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Recall Requests

In Phone Connect you have the possibility to create Recall Requests, these Recall Requests are used to set a time when and who should call the person back with the necessary information, then the callback requests are displayed in the Phone Connect role centre in 4 different cues, These cues are divided into ‘Open’, "Soon as Possible", ‘Overdue’ and "Done".


Recall Requests can be created in the Caller Cards, the Phone Connect Factbox and in the Call List.

When creating a Recall Requests, a recipient is defined, this recipient sees this Recall Requests in his role centre, then the time at which the person should be called back is defined, you can choose between "Soon as Possible" or your own date and time, if you choose "Soon as Possible", the cue "Soon as Possible" will light up red in the Phone Connect role centre as long as the Recall Requests is open. Once the Recall Requests has been created, it can be edited by clicking on the Recall Requests in the Role Centre to view all the necessary information and call the person back directly via the Phone Connect Factbox. Once you have called the person back and processed the Recall Requests, you can set the Recall Requests to "Done" status so that this Recall Requests is no longer displayed among the open Recall Requests.


Once the status is set to "Done", it can no longer be cancelled.

See also