Document Central Glossary
This comprehensive glossary is designed to help you navigate through the specific terminology relevant for Document Central. Whether you're a newcomer seeking to familiarize yourself with the basics or an experienced professional looking for a quick reference, you'll find clear and concise definitions to assist you. Explore the glossary to enhance your understanding and ensure effective communication.
Term | Explanation |
Access Control | Security features manage and restrict user access to documents based on groups and permissions. They can be configured at the document library, content type, content type within a document library, and metadata levels. Additionally, access control is available for the use of retention labels. |
Accompanying Documents | A feature allows you to define documents as email attachments or downloadable via a portal. This feature is available during document definition when activated and is used as filter criteria in the Document Central for Dispatch and Document Central for Portals extensions. |
Additional Search | Enhanced search functionality allows for more refined and comprehensive searches within Document Central. It enables free text searches and searches for specific information such as file name, content type, or time period. |
Alternative Mapping | Additional or secondary mappings provide alternative relations to other areas in Business Central. For example, the relation between sales orders and archived sales orders can be enabled. If a sales order is no longer available as a record, the alternative record in the archived sales orders will be proposed. |
App Registration | App registration is required for the OAuth authentication method. This registration is set up in Azure and includes defining the permissions available for users and services. |
Compliance | Ensuring that Document Central practices adhere to regulatory and organizational standards. It supports retention periods that can be set within the compliance organization. |
Content Type Listing | A feature that displays all available content types on the Document Central Factbox. |
Content Types | Content types classify documents and include associated metadata. These content types are assigned to document libraries. |
CRM Integration | Document Central connects with the default CRM features of Business Central, enabling the creation of interaction log entries. |
Cycle | A cycle in Document Central defines the period year, allowing data to be balanced across multiple document libraries. This is managed by creating a document library in a subsite named after the year. Documents stored within a specific year are saved to the corresponding document library in that subsite. |
Data Mapping | A feature that links data together and displays the linked data in designated areas. Data mappings are used to incorporate metadata from linked data, such as master data, for example. |
Datagrid | The datagrid provides a visualization for documents stored in a specific area within Business Central. Additionally, it offers several actions to interact with the documents displayed in the datagrid. |
Default Mapping | The default mapping is defined in the document library and links it to the mapping. This is necessary for document synchronization, ensuring files are synced to the desired area in Business Central. |
Document Central - Administrator Role | A user role with comprehensive access and control over Document Central settings and configurations. |
Document Central - User Role | A user role with access to essential Document Central functionalities as defined. |
Document Central Factbox | A user interface element provides the DropZone, Quickdrop, and Content Type Listing on defined Business Central pages. |
Document Entry | The central storage of all document information is managed in Document Central. An entry represents a document stored in the repository. |
Document Library | A container in the repository for storing and organizing documents, capable of organizing documents into versions. |
Document Log | A recording of all activities to a document, providing an audit trail for compliance and review. |
Document Relationship | The linking of records ensures that documents stored in one record are accessible in related records. For example, if a document is stored with a sales quote and a sales order is created from that quote, the document will also be displayed with the sales order due to the document relationship. |
Document Search | A feature that allows users to locate documents within the system using various search criteria and filters. |
DropZone | An interface feature that allows users to drag and drop files into Document Central for easy uploading and organization. The DropZone is part of the Document Central Factbox. |
Email Mapping | Maps the email-relevant information, such as email address, subject, etc., as metadata when the email is stored in Document Central. |
File Conversion | A feature that converts documents into the PDF format or PDF/A3 format for long-term preservation and compliance. |
Filename Transformation | A feature that renames file names or email subjects according to predefined rules. |
File Extension Restriction | A feature that limits the types of file extensions that can be uploaded or stored within Document Central. |
Grouping | A feature that organizes documents into groups using a group ID. This allows documents to be clustered together, indicating to the user that they are related. |
Index | An index is crucial for document libraries in SharePoint with more than 5000 elements in view. The index enables efficient handling of large document volumes and allows for fast search and retrieval of documents. |
Mapping | Mapping defines an area in Business Central, including the table, page, and list ID, along with a document definition in the table. Through mapping, metadata from the record can be extracted. The mapping configuration determines whether a Document Central Factbox is activated on a page. |
Metadata | Metadata are the properties of a document and can include different types, such as text, date, or boolean. Metadata are stored with each document. |
Metadata Management | Metadata management enables the definition of additional metadata during the upload process to Document Central. Individual metadata can be provided with default values or as required information. |
Quickdrop | A feature that allows for rapid uploading of documents to an area as a predefined content type. Three quickdrops can be configured for each mapping and area. The quickdrop functionality is part of the Document Central Factbox. |
Report Queue | The report queue stores all entries for reports scheduled to be uploaded to Document Central. This process, known as shadow printing, uploads the created PDF file via the report queue. |
Repository | A central location where documents and related data are stored and managed, ensuring organized and secure access to information. Document Central offers the SharePoint Server and Azure Blob Storage as a repository. |
Retention Labels | Tags applied to documents to manage their lifecycle, ensuring they are kept for the required duration. |
Reverse Document Relationship | A feature that identifies and displays the inverse relationships between documents. In some cases, the backward relationship is needed. |
Shadow Printing | A feature that enables the printing of reports in the background without interrupting the workflow. An entry is added to the report queue to be processed. |
SharePoint Migration | A feature that facilitates the migration of documents from one SharePoint repository to another, such as from SharePoint On-Premise to SharePoint Online. |
User Group | A collection of users with shared permissions and access levels within Document Central. |
Versioning | A feature that keeps track of document revisions, allowing users to view and restore previous versions as needed. |