Using Retention Labels
Please note that you must have completed the necessary setup for your selected repository in order to proceed. You can find the necessary resources for setting up retention labels in Document Central in the Setting up Compliance documentation.
How to set Retention Labels manually
If the Retention Labels have been set up correctly via the Retention Label Setup, all labels will be assigned to the right documents automatically, thus granting the necessary compliance for the document.
However, it can be defined be by the admin under the Retention Label Manual Setup if the users are able to change the retention label manuallz on the document storage.
The following steps need to be completed to manually set a retention label for a document when storing a document via the Document Central factbox.
- Start in the Document Central - Dropzone factbox.
- Drag & Drop or store a document on the Document Central - Dropzone.
- After the Document Central - Document Definition page opens a new area will appear in the lower part of the page called Document Central - Additional Information.
- Depending on the setup, you will here either only see a retention label or be able to select a retention label and upload the file.
Document Central Admins also have the option to set a retention label on a document after the original storage. To do this, find the new action Set Retention Label in the Document Central datagrid. Execute this action to set a retention label on a selected document.
How to set Retention Labels in Retrospect
In case you have already used the Document Central without the retention label feature, you might want to label the existing Document Central documents in retrospect. In that case, the socalled Retention Crawler can be used. The Retention Crawler is an own queue which runs over the existing document entries, appliyng the labels according to the Retention label configuration.
There are two ways to apply the retention labels to the existing documents trough the retention crawler. The Automatic way and the Manual way.
Automatic Labelling
The following steps need to be completed to automatically apply retention labels to already stored documents using the Document Central - Retention Crawler. To continue, make sure you have completed the Set up the Retention Crawler documentation.
- The job queue Document Central Job Queue - Retention Crawler should run through automatically (If not, the job queue can be triggered manually on the Job Queue Entries page).
- After the Document Central Job Queue - Retention Crawler has run through, your documents will automatically moved into the retention queue with a given retention label based on your configuration.
Manual Labelling
The following steps need to be completed to manually apply retention labels to already stored documents using the crawler feature.
- Start in the Document Central - Administrator Role Center.
- Open the Document Central - Crawler List page. via the retention crawler action cue in Retention Label Activities section.
- Use the Start Crawling action to start crawling for documents that can be labeled according to their configuration.
- Select the documents you want to add the displayed retention label and use the action Add to Retention Queue to add the documents to the Retention Queue.
- After the documents have been added to the Retention Queue, the Document Central Job Queue - Set Retention Label should run through automatically (If not, the job queue can be triggered manually on the Job Queue Entries page).
beside the crawling feature, a action on the datagrid or on the Document Entries page can be used to manually set a retention label on a document.
How to see which retention labels have been assigned
To see which document contains a retention label, there is the Document Entry page where you can see in a table if your document is labeled. Also in our Document Central Datagrid you will see a column Retention Label. Here you can also see if and which retention label has been set.
How to see which retention labels will be assigned in the future
To see which documents will be labeled in the future, there is the Retention Queue page where you can see if your document is going to be labeled. In this page, the labeling process is shown with a status field. When a retention queue entry will run in a error during the labeling process, the error can be seen on the Document Central - Log page. A retention queue entry is created in two ways.
When manually labeling a document, a retention queue entry will only be created if the field Set Retention After is filled or by set the labeling date in the future whithin the upload process.