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Setting up the Inbound List

Inbound lists are used as a storage location from where documents can be imported and processed via barcode or filename to a specific process in Business Central.

Create an Inbound List

The following steps need to be completed to create an inbound list.

  1. We start in the Document Inbound - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Inbound Lists.
  3. Execute the action New in the ribbon bar to start the Inbound List Wizard.
  4. Specify the inbound list code by entering a code in the Code field.
  5. Specify the inbound list name by entering a name in the Name field.
  6. Specify the upload by seperating the file name and adding a timestamp.
  7. Select the assignment level in the Assignment Level field to determine if the assignment should be automatic or semi-automatic.
  8. Select an assignment type in the Assignment Type field to determine if the assignment should be handled by barcode or by filename.
  9. Specify the split options for the barcode splitting process.
  10. The inbound list for a barcode return is created.


Please note that two inbound lists have to be created. The error inbound list needs to be created first.

Add timestamp to the Filename

The following steps need to be completed to add a timestamp to the file name.

  1. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Inbound Lists.
  2. Click on the inbound list Code where the timestamp can be configured too.
  3. Activate the checkbox Add Timestamp to Filename.
  4. Specify the separator between the file name and the timestamp in the field Separator between Barcode and Timestamp.
  5. A timestamp is now added to the file name for documents returned by barcode.


The timestamp can also be added to the inbound list during the creation via wizard.

Use File Extension Whitelist

If you would like to restrict the incoming documents in your inbound list to specific formats, you can do so using the "Use File Extension Whitelist" option. Once enabled, you can define multiple formats in the "Whitelist" field that should be accepted and imported into the inbound list. If documents with formats not included in the whitelist are imported, they will be skipped, and a notification or log entry will be generated.

See also