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Import of Release Notes

When you're in a changelog, you'll find a blue "Import" button under the Release Notes tab (home page). This allows you to choose from several different import methods and import the release notes with the appropriate data.


In the preferences, you can set specific options for importing release notes.

Import via Iteration

This option allows you to import release notes from different iterations. Specify the iteration team and then select the desired iteration from that team. Click the Import button to import the release notes from the selected iteration.

Import via Build

This option enables the import of release notes from builds. When a pipeline completes a build and there are related work items in the Related Work Items category, this option imports them.


To import a build, select the desired pipeline from the drop-down box, then select the specific build by its Build ID. Finally, click Import to import the release notes from the selected build.

Import via Query

Here you can select one of your created queries and import the release notes from the selected query. Once you have made your selection, click the Import button.

Import via Work Item ID

This option allows you to enter a work item ID to import the corresponding release note from that specific work item. If the entered work item ID is invalid, e.g. due to the absence of a release note, this is visually indicated. Finally, click Import to import the release note from the selected work item.