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Setting up Reports

Reports can be automatically archived when created as a PDF or when printed. It is also possible to archive reports automatically when a process is executed, such as a posting.

Fill report list

The following steps need to be completed to fill the report list from the report selection.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Execute the action Get Reports from Report Selection in the ribbon bar.
  4. The defined reports from the Report Selection are added.


Reports can also be added manually. The report ID needs to be entered in the Report ID field.

Define content types for reports

The following steps need to be completed to define content types for reports.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Execute the action Edit List in the ribbon bar.
  4. Select the content type in the Content Type field for the specific report.

Define content types for barcode return doucments

In order to define the content type for a barcode, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Report.
  3. Execute the action Edit List in the ribbon bar.
  4. Click on the Report ID that should be configured with the barcode content type.
  5. Select a content type in the Barcode Content Type field.

Define Report File Name

The following steps need to be completed to set a own file name for reports.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Execute the action Edit List in the ribbon bar.
  4. Specify the name of the report file. This will be used in the following format (No. - Report File Name - Report Layout Code)


The "Add Report Layout description" field allows you to include the report layout code in the file name.

Setup shadow priting and priority

The following steps need to be completed to set shadow printing and priority for reports.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Execute the action Edit List in the ribbon bar.
  4. Select the option for the Shadow Printing field if the report should be archived by manual execution.
  5. Select the option for the Shadow Printing via Process field if the report should be archived by process execution.
  6. Select the option for the Report Priority field if the report is to be processed with a higher or lower priority.
  7. Select the option for the Print Priority field if the report is to be processed with a higher or lower priority.


It's important that an event is also available for the execution of the shadow printing.

Set report settings

The following steps need to be completed to set the report settings.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Mark the report and execute the action Set Report SSettings in the ribbon bar.
  4. Specify the settings for the report and click OK

Activate versioning

The following steps need to be completed to activate the versioning for reports.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Execute the action Edit List in the ribbon bar.
  4. Activate the checkbox Versioning for the specific report.

Add stationery

The following steps need to be completed to add a stationery for a report.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Mark the report and execute the action Import PDF Stationery in the ribbon bar.
  4. The Stationery checkbox is activated when the PDF has been successfully uploaded.

Activate processing via report queue

The following steps need to be completed to activate the processing via report queue.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Reports.
  3. Execute the action Edit List in the ribbon bar.
  4. Activate the checkbox Process via Report Queue for the specific report.

See also