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Setting up the Allowed File Extensions

Only certain file extensions can be allowed in order to control which files can be stored.

Activate the allowed file extensions

The following steps need to be completed to configure the allowed file extensions.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role center.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action General.
  3. Activate the checkbox File Extension Restriction.
  4. Confirm the questions whether you want to set up the file extension with Yes.
  5. The list of allowed file extensions is displayed. Enter the file extensions to be allowed in the list.


The file extension should be entered without a dot. For example: docx for a Word document.

Managing the allowed file extensions

The following steps need to be completed to manage the allowed file extensions.

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role center.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action General.
  3. Execute the action Show Allowed File Extension in the ribbon bar.
  4. The list of allowed file extensions is displayed.