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Setting up SharePoint Retention Labels

When using the repository type SharePoint, the Retention Label feature of Azure is used to create labels which mark documents as socalled regulatory records. These are then assigned to the SharePoint. For that, the Azure Compliance Center as well as Powershell are used for the Label creation.

The following steps are required to create a new Retention Label in the Compliance Center.

Use Powershell to enable the Regulatory Record Retention Label Feature

  1. Open the Windows Powershell
  2. Connect to the Security & Compliance PowerShell.
  3. Use Powershell to display the option to mark content as a regulatory record.

Create a Retention Label

  1. Switch back to Business Central
  2. Go tp the DMS by Simova - Retention Label page.
  3. Execute the action Create Retention Labels.
  4. This action will then redirect you to the Compliance Centers Record Management Fileplan options.
  5. Perform the Create a Label action in the ribbon bar.
  6. Follow Microsoft's instructions to create your label or follow the next steps.
  7. Name your retention label. This is the name of the label your users will see in the apps where it's published (like Outlook, SharePoint, and OneDrive). So be sure to come up with a name that helps them understand what it's used for. (E.g. 11 Years Storage)
  8. Click on Next.
  9. Describe the label for users and admins in the respective fields (optional).
  10. Click Next.
  11. Define file plan descriptors for the label. This helps to organize this label for your organization. Please at least choose a Reference ID as well as "Finance" or "Legal" under Business function / department. As category, please choose "compliance" and as Authority type choose "Legal". The other values are optional.
  12. Clicl Next.
  13. Under Define label settings choose "Retain items forever or for a specific period".
  14. Click Next.
  15. Under Define the retention preiod select a value under Retain items for.
  16. Under Start the retention period based on select When items were labeled.
  17. Under Choose what happens during the retention period choose Mark item as regulatory record.
  18. Click Next.
  19. Under Choose what happens after the retention period choose Deactivate retention settings. This is our recommended value, but if other SharePoint functionalities are supposed to be used, this can be done here.
  20. Click Next.
  21. Review the Settings under Review and finish.
  22. Click on Create label to create the label.
  23. Next you will be asked if you want to directly publish the labels. In case you need more labels for more settings, please select No and repeat the label creation steps. Otherwise, you can continiue with the publish and continue at step 4. of the next section.

More Information

For more information about creating retention labels, please visit the Microsoft documentation.

Publish the Retention Label

The following steps must be completed in order to publish the Retention Label you have created. A publish will push the label to your SharePoint application so that it will be usable from there.

  1. Start in the Compliance Centers Label Policies from Microsoft 365.
  2. Select a Retention Label and perform the Publish Retention Label action.
  3. Follow Microsoft's instructions or follow the next steps to publish your Retention Label.
  4. Choose labels to publish. This can be done for all labels at once.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Under Policy Scope keep Full directory under Admin Units.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Under Choose the type of retention policy to create​ select Static.
  9. Click Next.
  10. If you want the labels to be only on SharePoint, please select Let me choose speciific locations as well as the location SharePoint classic and communication sites. Otherwise, choose All locations. Includes content in Exchange email, Office 365 groups, OneDrive and SharePoint documents..
  11. Click Next.
  12. Name your policy.
  13. Check your policy under Finish.
  14. Click Submit to start the publishing of the label/s.


Please note that publishing can take up to 7 days. For more information, please visit the Microsoft documentation After the label has been successfully published, you need to go to the DMS by Simova - Retention Label page in Business Central and perform the Synchronize Labels action to synchronize your created retention labels.

How to Synchronize Retention Labels to DMS

Once the labels have been created, published and are available for SharePoint, you can sychronize them to BC. You have to this to be able to configure them in the DMS configuration. Please perform the following steps for the sychronization.

  1. Start in the DMS by Simova - Administrator role.
  2. Search for the DMS by Simova - Retention Label page.
  3. Execute the action Synchronize Retention Labels in the ribbon bar.
  4. The Retention Labels are added to the list.

Well Done!

After you have successfully created and synchronized your retention labels, you can continue configuring the retention labels in the DMS. Click here to begin configuring retention labels in the DMS interface.

See Also