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Setting up Email Templates

Document Dispatch can use two types of email templates. You can either use your own HTML templates or Business Central standard email templates.

General Settings for Email Templates

In order to import the email templates for the email notification, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Choose the search icon in the ribbonbar, enter EDS - Email templates or navigate via the role center to the cue Email Templates
  2. Select/Create a Template
  3. Choose the language you want to edit
  4. Now you can import a template with the action "Import" or create your own template directly in the HTML editor


It is possible to edit email templates directly in Business Central using the HTML editor which is located on the Email Template page.

Please Note

If there are characters (<>) in the HTML editor that are normally only found in the HTML file, it is possible that the file is corrupted.

Placeholders in the Email Template

Placeholders are used to insert dynamic content into the email template. They are replaced with actual values when the email is sent. Define placeholders in the email using the following syntax: %x (e.g., %1, %2, %3, etc.).

How to Define Placeholders in the Email Template

To define placeholders in the email template, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Dispatch Profile you want to use the email template for.
  2. Open the output type setup.
  3. Use the action "Email Placeholders" to open a list page where you can define the placeholders for the email template.

There are three ways to fill these placeholders in the output type setup of the Dispatch Profile:

  1. Data Mapping: Select a Data Mapping to define the placeholder. The Data Mapping is defined in the Data Mapping setup.
  2. Field: Select a field from the table to define the placeholder.
  3. Salutation from BC: Set the placeholder to be active for the salutation from Business Central. The salutation is defined in the Contact.

Please Note

The salutation must be defined for each language specified in Document Dispatch. If the salutation is not defined for a language, the email will not be sent, and an error will be displayed.

See also