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Assignment via Barcode

Document Inbound is equipped with the capability to seamlessly scan and extract barcodes from documents, subsequently dividing the files into distinct segments based on the unique barcodes detected. Furthermore, these extracted barcodes are cross-referenced with pre-configured inbound list settings to be matched with the record in Business Central, facilitating automated assignment and streamlining the workflow.


To be able to assign documents via barcode, an Inbound List with the assignment type Assignment via Barcode must be created.

Recognizing Barcodes

In order to use barcode recognition from PDF files, it is essential to first import the documents into the Inbound List. The import process can be initiated from diverse sources (e.g manual file upload and email), provided that the documents contain embedded barcodes. Once imported, Document Inbound's functionality enables it to discern and extract the barcode information from within the document. Subsequently, the extracted barcode data is cross-referenced with the database.

Document Inbound possesses the ability to autonomously validate if a detected barcode corresponds to a reference within the database. Upon successful validation, it identifies the most probable target record, discerns the potential content type, and relevant metadata from the document.


When manually uploading a document, Document Inbound does not immediately initiate the barcode recognition process. Instead, users have the flexibility to activate this function at their discretion by simply clicking on the Split Automatically action. This manual trigger prompts the Document Inbound to perform barcode recognition and splitting process, ensuring that the process is both user-controlled and responsive to specific needs.

Assinging Documents

The job queue will be responsible of document assignment. Documents will be automatically allocated to their respective records as long as the barcode reference is detected within the database. Alternatively, users have the flexibility to initiate the assignment process manually through the Assign Automatically or Assign Manually functions.

To trigger the assign function manually, the following steps can be done.

  1. Navigate to the Inbound List.
  2. Select an entry from the list.
  3. Click on the Assign Automatically action to assign the document automatically. This function will try to assign the document to the the record that is linked to the barcode. If the barcode is not found within the database, the Assign Manually action, will automatically be triggered.
  4. Alternatively, click on the Assign Manually action to assign the document manually. This action will open a page where the user can choose the target record to be assigned.

See also