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Setting up Filename Assignment

To be able to assign documents via filename, the assignment type Assignment via Filename must be set in the inbound list.

The following steps need to be completed to assign the document via filename in Document Inbound by Simova.

  1. Navigate to the Inbound List.
  2. Select an existing Inbound List or click on the New action to create a new Inbound List.
  3. Select the assignment type Assignment via Filename.
  4. The configuration area Assignment via Filename will be displayed for the file name assignment.
  5. Select a mapping where the documents should be assigned to in the assignment process.
  6. Choose if a seperator should be used to split the filename.
  7. Select a content type for the document.
  8. Choose a placeholder for the assignment of the documents but the placeholder must be a primary key of that mapping e.g. Order No..


To see if the filename assignment was correctly, the record can be found in the mappings according to the primary key and the filename of the imported document that was configured as the placeholder. If the document is in the record, the assignment was correct.

See also