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Setting up Quick DMS Configuration

DMS by Simova can be extended with code that allows a quick configuration with one click. In this documentation, as an example, we have split up the functions into 3 actions in order to guarantee a better explanation. However it is also possible to implement the following 3 functions as one action which will be explained in a later section.

Function Overview

A new Codeunit with four functions has been added.

3 Functions for separate configuration:

  • Import a configuration (ImportConfiguration)
  • Create a repository entry (CreateRepository)
  • Publish DMS to the repository (PublishDMS)

Function for execution all of the above functionalities:

  • Executing all of the above functions (CompleteConfiguration)

The following documentation describes the parameters of the functions and how to implement them as an example.

Import a configuration

For importing a configuration for the DMS an action has to be created in a custom area including the following code.


Name DataType Description
ParamBase64Text Text Contains the configuration as a Base64 string that is imported into the system


The Configuration file that will be used for this process can be created with the configuration wizard

Code example

The following code example opens a file explorer where it is possible to select the product configuration that you want to import into business central.

    trigger OnAction()
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSConfiguration: Codeunit "SIM_DMS Configuration";
       LocalCodeunitTempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob";
       LocalCodeunitBase64Convert: Codeunit "Base64 Convert";
       GlobalCodeunitFileManagement: Codeunit "File Management";
       LocalInStream: InStream;
       LocalBase64StringText: Text;
       LocalconfigText: Text;
       GlobalCodeunitFileManagement.BLOBImportWithFilter(LocalCodeunitTempBlob, 'Choose Import File', '', 'All Files (*.*)|*.*', '*.*');
       if not LocalCodeunitTempBlob.HasValue() then exit;
       LocalCodeunitTempBlob.CreateInStream(LocalInStream, TextEncoding::UTF8);

       if LocalconfigText = '' then exit;

       LocalBase64StringText:= LocalCodeunitBase64Convert.ToBase64(LocalconfigText);

Create a repository entry

For creating a repository entry for the DMS an action has to be created in a custom area including the following code.


Name DataType SubType Lenght Description
ParamRepositoryCode Code 10 Specifies the Name of the Repository
ParamEnumSIMDMSArchiveSystem Enum "SIM_DMS Archive System" Specifies the type of the Repository (SharePoint/Database)
ParamRepositorieserverURLText Text 250 Specifies the Repository URL. Enter the URL without the suffix "/".
ParamEnumSIMCOREAuthenticationMode Enum "SIM_CORE Authentication Mode" Specifies the authentication method. A distinction is made between SharePoint On-Premise with Kerberos or NTLM authentication, SharePoint forms-based authentication and SharePoint Online authentication.
ParamEnumSIMCOREAuthenticationType Enum "SIM_CORE Authentication Type" Specifies the authentication type. When using Basic authentication with multi-factor authentication enabled, an app password must be used as the user password. When using Modern authentication, an client id, tenant id and client secret must be used.
ParamRepositoryLangaugeID Integer Specifies the language of the repository.
ParamAppNameText Text 250 Specifies the Name for the Azure AD application
ParamClientIDText Text 250 Specifies the Client ID for Authentication
ParamTenantIDText Text 250 Specifies the Tenant ID for Authentication.
ParamClientSecretText Text 250 Specifies the Client Secret for Authentication.
ParamRedirectUrlText Text 250 Specifies the Redirect Url after Authentication.
ParamTenantNameText Text 250 Specifies the Tenant Name for Authentication.

Code example

The following code example will create a DMS repository entry with the values that are set as parameters for the function CreateRepository and the repository code will be inserted into the DMS module setup.


If there is already a repository entry with the same repository code, the existing repository entry is used

    trigger OnAction()
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSCompanyConfiguration: Codeunit "SIM_DMS Configuration";
       LocalEnumSIMDMSArchiveSystem: Enum "SIM_DMS Archive System";
       LocalEnumSIMCOREAuthenticationMode: Enum "SIM_CORE Authentication Mode";
       LocalEnumSIMCOREauthenticationType: Enum "SIM_CORE Authentication Type";
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSCompanyConfiguration.CreateRepository('SharePoint', LocalEnumSIMDMSArchiveSystem::SharePoint, '', LocalEnumSIMCOREAuthenticationMode::SharePointOnline, LocalEnumSIMCOREauthenticationType::Basic, 1033, 'DMS by Simova', '', '', '', '', '');

Publish DMS to the repository

For triggering the publishing of the configuration to the SharePoint an action has to be created in a custom area including the following code.


Name DataType Lenght Description
ParamUserIDCode Text 50 Specifies the Business central User ID
ParamRepositoryUsernameText Text 100 Specifies the user name of the user to be used for the repository. In case of SharePoint Online (O365) is used as a repository, the SharePoint Online credentials must always be entered.
ParamRepositoryPasswordText Text 250 Specifies the password of the user to be used for the repository. In case of SharePoint Online (O365) is used as a repository, the SharePoint Online credentials must always be entered. If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is used, an App password must be entered here.

Code example

The following code sample executes the PublishDMS function, which creates a DMS user with the defined parameters and publishes the data in the context of the created DMS user to the repository


If a DMS user with the entered UserID already exists, the already existing user will be used

    trigger OnAction()
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSCompanyConfiguration: Codeunit "SIM_DMS Configuration";
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSCompanyConfiguration.PublishDMS(CopyStr(UserId, 1, 50), 'sampleRepositoryUsername', 'SampleRepositoryPassword');

Comfort function

For triggering all of the above functions with one click an action has to be created in a custom area including the following code.

Code example

The following code example opens a file explorer where you can select the product configuration you want to import into Business Central. Then a DMS repository entry is created with the values defined as parameters and the repository code is inserted into the DMS module setup. After that, a DMS user is created with the defined parameters and the data is published to the repository in the context of the created DMS user.

    trigger OnAction()
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSConfiguration: Codeunit "SIM_DMS Configuration";
       LocalCodeunitTempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob";
       LocalCodeunitBase64Convert: Codeunit "Base64 Convert";
       GlobalCodeunitFileManagement: Codeunit "File Management";
       LocalEnumSIMDMSArchiveSystem: Enum "SIM_DMS Archive System";
       LocalEnumSIMCOREAuthenticationMode: Enum "SIM_CORE Authentication Mode";
       LocalEnumSIMCOREauthenticationType: Enum "SIM_CORE Authentication Type";
       LocalInStream: InStream;
       LocalBase64StringText: Text;
       LocalconfigText: Text;
       GlobalCodeunitFileManagement.BLOBImportWithFilter(LocalCodeunitTempBlob, 'Choose Import File', '', 'All Files (*.*)|*.*', '*.*');
       if not LocalCodeunitTempBlob.HasValue() then exit;
       LocalCodeunitTempBlob.CreateInStream(LocalInStream, TextEncoding::UTF8);

       if LocalconfigText = '' then exit;

       LocalBase64StringText:= LocalCodeunitBase64Convert.ToBase64(LocalconfigText);
       LocalCodeunitSIMDMSConfiguration.CompleteConfiguration(LocalBase64StringText,'SharePoint', LocalEnumSIMDMSArchiveSystem::SharePoint, '', LocalEnumSIMCOREAuthenticationMode::SharePointOnline, LocalEnumSIMCOREauthenticationType::Basic, 1033, 'DMS by Simova', '', '', '', '', '',CopyStr(UserId, 1, 50), 'sampleRepositoryUsername', 'SampleRepositoryPassword');


the order of the passed parameters is as followed: Import a configuration,Create a repository entry,Publish DMS to the repository

See also