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Document Central

Release Version


Bug Fix

Archive Queue Retries count not working

We have fixed a bug where the Archive queue entry remained in the 'queued' status due to a failure in increasing the retries count. This issue occurred when the source record of a report was deleted before the report was printed. Now, as expected, the Archive queue entry will be set to 'error' after the configured retries count.

Created: September 23, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Function to Cancel Archive Queue Entries

This release introduces a new feature for Document Central Users, allowing them to cancel archive queue entries and set them to 'canceled' status. This functionality is applicable for all states except 'done' and also includes the capability to clear the blob file. This enhancement provides users with the ability to clear old, unwanted entries that no longer need processing.

Created: July 25, 2024

Release Version


Feature Upgrade

Printing with the Preview Standard Functionality

The latest update allows Document Central Users to print directly from the Page View in the actions. This new feature provides users with a more flexible method to print documents.

Created: August 1, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Define Timezone during SharePoint Site creation

In this release, we've added a new functionality for Document Central Admins. You can now define the timezone of a SharePoint site during its creation using the Repository Wizard. This feature allows the BC environment's timezone to be assigned to the SharePoint site, ensuring date values between BC and SharePoint match. It is also possible to change the timezone on the repository configuration page.

Created: August 18, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Extract Email Attachments in Retrospect

Release Note:

In this release, we've introduced a new feature for DMS users in the DataGrid/Page View. Users will now see a "View Attachments" action, which will only be visible if the file is an email.

Created: August 16, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Remove SIM_DMS User Limited Permission

In this release, we have enhanced the functionality for DMS Admins by removing the user limited permission. This change was implemented to unify all permission controls, as the Access Control feature offers a more comprehensive and efficient solution.

Created: July 26, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Exchanging the Standard Image of Document Central

This release introduces an update to the Document Central interface with the implementation of the new Dropzone Image. This enhancement aims to provide a more modern and aesthetically pleasing look and feel for our users.

Created: August 16, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Disable deleting function for Document Central Users

In this release, we have improved the user management functionality in Document Central. To avoid potential synchronization errors, users can no longer be deleted directly from Document Central. Instead, the process of user removal has been shifted to the licensing section where users should be deactivated. This change ensures a more reliable and error-free user management process.

Created: July 26, 2024

Feature Upgrade

New Action Groups for the Module Setup

In this release, we have introduced an enhancement for Document Central Admins. The actions in the module setup are now divided into groups, making the Module Setup interface more organized and easier to navigate.

Created: July 25, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Authentication Pop-Up on Factbox pages & Documentation for own integration

In this release, we have introduced a new feature for DMS Users. A notification will now appear across all areas of DMS Pages (including Factbox, Document Search, Document Entries, DI Inbound List) indicating if you are not connected to the DMS. This feature is designed to improve user awareness of their connection status. The notification can be toggled on and off based on user preference and includes a button for immediate authentication or dismissal of the message.

Created: August 13, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Repository Wizard Optimization

This release updates the Repository Wizard in Document Central, specifically focusing on the accuracy of captions. The aim is to enhance clarity and comprehension for Administrators, ensuring a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

Created: July 31, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Captions in the Metadata Management/Templates

In this release, we have optimized the Metadata Management/Templates section for Document Central Administrators. This update provides more detailed explanations of actions and fields, allowing for a better understanding of their functionalities.

Created: August 2, 2024

Feature Upgrade


This release includes optimization updates to Document Central, enhancing the user experience. Document Central Cleaner's interface has been improved for better usability.

Created: July 25, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Printing with Functionality in Datagrid Actions

The latest update allows Document Central Users to print directly from the Datagrid in the actions. This new feature provides users with a more flexible method to print documents.

Created: August 1, 2024

Feature Upgrade

Behaviour of opening datagrid with a large amount of documents

The latest update enhances the user experience for DMS Users managing large amounts of documents. Now, when a large number of documents cause the datagrid to load slowly, the system will automatically switch to the page view for faster document viewing. A notification will be displayed to inform the user why the page view was opened. Additionally, an action is available on the page view to allow users to switch back to the datagrid view when desired. The threshold for automatic switching can be configured in the module setup, allowing users to customize their experience based on their specific needs.

Created: August 6, 2024

Bug Fix

Frequent message in the event log

We have addressed a bug causing multiple errors with the EventID 701 in the event log. the event log should no longer display these errors.

Created: August 14, 2024

Bug Fix

Uploading Large Zip Files

Issues occurred where uploading zip files took an infinitely long time. This issue cannot be fixed due to a limitation on our services. Therefore, the error handling has been adjusted accordingly

Created: August 16, 2024

Bug Fix

Document selection in Page view not possible

We've fixed a bug that was causing only the first document to be displayed when switching the DataGrid visualization to the Page View in a Document Library. Now, all selected documents will be correctly shown in the preview as expected.

Created: August 19, 2024

Bug Fix

Filename with special chars causes error after deleting from the Datagrid

We have addressed a bug that was preventing files from being re-archived after deletion in the Datagrid. An error message was previously displayed, indicating a communication problem during the upload process to SharePoint. This issue occurred when a document had special characters like + in the filename. This issue has now been resolved, and users should be able to archive files again as expected

Created: August 14, 2024

Release Version


Bug Fix

Document selection in Page view not possible

We've fixed a bug that was causing only the first document to be displayed when switching the DataGrid visualization to the Page View in a Document Library. Now, all selected documents will be correctly shown in the preview as expected.

Created: August 20, 2024

Bug Fix

Uploading Large Zip Files

Issues occurred where uploading zip files took an infinitely long time. This issue cannot be fixed due to a limitation on our services. Therefore, the error handling has been adjusted accordingly.

Created: August 20, 2024

Bug Fix

Frequent message in the event log*

We have addressed a bug causing multiple errors with the EventID 701 in the event log. the event log should no longer display these errors.

Created: August 20, 2024

Bug Fix

Filename with special chars causes error after deleting from the Datagrid*

We have addressed a bug that was preventing files from being re-archived after deletion in the Datagrid. An error message was previously displayed, indicating a communication problem during the upload process to SharePoint. This issue occurred when a document had special characters like + in the filename. This issue has now been resolved, and users should be able to archive files again as expected

Created: August 20, 2024

Release Version


Bug Fix

Rententionlabeling is still available for Barcode Assignment

We have fixed a bug where the Retentionlabeling feature was incorrectly visible in the Document Inbound Factbox after assigning a barcode to a Sales Order. This was happening when both Document Central and Document Inbound apps were installed and configured. The Retentionlabeling feature should now be hidden as expected.

Created: July 30, 2024

Bug Fix

BusinessChart is no longer displayed

We have addressed a bug that was causing an error when attempting to view the Business Chart of the most used content types in the admin role center of Document Central BC24 Environment. Now, the chart is displayed as expected without any errors.

Created: July 25, 2024

Release Version


Bug Fix

Missing Information due to ForNav event

We've addressed a bug impacting the functionality of posting purchase invoices in Document Central. Users were experiencing issues after attempting to post a Purchase Invoice which caused information to be missing within the Purchase Invoice . This issue has been resolved and the function should now operate as intended.

Created: July 25, 2024

Release Version


Bug Fix

Document Central - Missing Information due to ForNav event

We've addressed a bug impacting the functionality of posting purchase invoices in Document Central. Users were experiencing issues after attempting to post a Purchase Invoice which caused information to be missing within the Purchase Invoice . This issue has been resolved and the function should now operate as intended.

Created: July 25, 2024

Bug Fix

Document Central - Additional Search Validation

When an additional search target is created, the document library will now be checked for the default mapping code on validation. If the default mapping code is not filled, it is no longer possible to add the document library to the document library to prevent misconfigurations.

Created: July 25, 2024

Bug Fix

Formatting Metadata Management Values in the Correct Format

This release note addresses a bug related to the processing of decimal values in the Metadata Management feature of Document Central. Previously, variations in formatting due to different language settings could cause errors in the interpretation of decimal numbers. For example, a value of 1,5 could be misinterpreted as 15 in subsequent processing steps for users with a different language setting than the Metadata Management Administrator. This issue has now been resolved to ensure correct processing of decimal values across all language settings. This feature is also adapted to the other metadata types that are used in the Metadata Management. Due to the update, a new action called "Show/Hide Formatted" is now visible on the Metadata Templates. This field can be used to see Metadata that is configured wrong.

Created: July 25, 2024

Bug Fix

Document Central - Enter/Return in Metadata breaks the Datagrid

We have addressed a bug that was causing the Datagrid to break and display a white page when users attempted to upload documents to the repository and entered a "Enter/Return" in one metadata field. Now, the Datagrid will open as intended, improving the overall user experience.

Created: July 25, 2024

Bug Fix

Metadata Type "Number" not working

We have fixed a bug that was preventing the setting of metadata of the type "Number" in Document Central with SharePoint. Previously, during the document upload process, the metadata was not being set and sometimes it did not even appear in the Content Type Selection. With this fix, the metadata should now be properly set and function as expected.

Created: July 25, 2024

Release Version

Bug Fix

Create new repository cannot save client secret

We have fixed a bug in Document Central that was causing invalid client secrets during the creation of app registrations via the app registration wizard. This issue was identified when trying to add a SharePoint repository. Now, the app registrations are being created with valid client secrets as intended.

Created: July 16, 2024

Bug Fix

Full Text Search searches multiple repositories

We have fixed a bug in the Full Text Search feature of Document Central. Previously, when searching for a word, the Full Text Search was searching within every subsite within the SharePoint, instead of only searching within the documents from the selected repositories subsite. This issue has now been resolved to ensure accurate and a faster search results.

Created: July 16, 2024

Release Version

Bug Fix

Preview Posting with archive order enabled

We've fixed a bug in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Setup page where enabling Archive Orders and attempting the Preview Posting action on a Sales Order was causing a Commit Error. Now, the Preview Posting action should work as expected without any errors.

Created: July 11, 2024

Bug Fix

Deleting a Retention Queue entry does not remove "Marked for Retention label"

We have fixed a bug that was causing the "Marked for Retention Label" field to remain set as true after deleting the Retention Queue entry. This issue led to Document Entries that could no longer receive a retention label. Now, as expected, the "Marked for Retention Label" field will be set to false on the corresponding document entry after the Retention Queue entry has been deleted.

Created: July 11, 2024

Bug Fix

Retention Labels are not set after returning to DMS

We've fixed a bug where returned documents from Document Inbound were not receiving the pre-defined Retention Label defined in Document Central. Now, when a document is returned, the Retention Label is set correctly as configured.

Created: July 11, 2024

Release Version

Bug Fix

Commit error with preview posting

We have resolved a bug that was causing an error message when attempting to open the preview posting in Sales Ordersl. Users are now able to open the preview posting without encountering an error.

Created: July 10, 2024

Bug Fix

SP Site Creation special characters

An error occurs which shows the message SharePoint site existed will be shown when entering random characters in the SharePoint site name, even though this error does not have anything to do with an existing SharePoint site.

Created: July 10, 2024

Bug Fix

Archive Queue did not set Retention Labels

When the Archive Queue was run and retention labels were preset on the Document Library or related items, the archived document did not receive a retention label. This issue has been fixed, and the Archive Queue will now set retention labels as expected.

Created: July 10, 2024

Bug Fix

Emoji possible in SharePoint/ABS Name

We've fixed a bug that allowed emojis to be entered in certain fields during the Repository Setup wizard process for ABS and SharePoint Repositories. This was particularly problematic in fields used for HTTP calls. We have now ensured that emojis or other Special Characters cannot be entered, improving the stability and reliability of the system. Additionally, we have checked and corrected this issue across all other fields in the wizard.

Created: July 10, 2024

Bug Fix

Assign Barcode Selection shows Retention Label Selection

We have addressed a bug impacting the Barcode Factbox function within the License and Setup Document Inbound. Previously, users were able to select a retention label in the content type selection, contrary to the intended functionality. This has now been corrected to restrict the selection to content types only. This fix has also been implemented in Document Central.

Created: July 10, 2024

Release Version

Bug Fix

Downloading issue with Document Basket - Azure Blob Storage

We've fixed a bug in Document Central with Azure Blob Storage where a downloaded zip file from the document basket was empty. Now, when you download files from the document basket, all selected files will be included in the zip file as expected.

Created: June 24, 2024

Bug Fix

Sychronizing a Large Document Amount for Azure Blob Storage

We have addressed a bug affecting the synchronization of large numbers of documents (>200000) directly into ABS within the DMS structure. Previously, the synchronization process would slow down and eventually stop after processing 20,000 to 30,000 documents, requiring a manual restart. This issue has been resolved, and synchronization should now run smoothly, significantly reducing the time required and eliminating the need for manual restarts.

Created: July 5, 2024

Bug Fix

MultiDrop with Retention Labels not possible

We have addressed a bug that was causing only the first document to receive a retention label when multiple files were dropped at once. Now, as per the expected results, all documents will have their own retention labels when multiple files are processed.

Created: July 3, 2024

Bug Fix

Retention Labels - Metadata Management Values not regarded for Crawler

When using retention labels with pre-defined metadata management values, the retention crawler did not calculate and set these defined labels. This issue has been fixed now and defined retention labels in the metadata management will be used for crawling documents.

Created: July 4, 2024

Bug Fix

Archive Queue Mail in the event of Error Sending Nothing

We have fixed a bug in Document Central where the "Activate Archive Queue Notification" was not sending out notifications as expected. After rectifying the issue, users will now receive a notification when a Document Central Archive Queue error occurs. The notification will be sent to the CORE users' email addresses from the Document Central email account. Furthermore, the "Activate Archive Queue Notification" has been renamed to "Archive Queue Notifications" for clarity. Please note, this email notification will be sent out once per day.

Created: July 3, 2024

Bug Fix

ForNAV reports issue with double printing after posting

We have fixed a bug where changes to the sales header record could not be saved due to outdated information on the page. This issue occurred when using DMS double print with ForNAV reports. Now, the system correctly archives the ForNAV report after posting as expected.

Created: July 5, 2024

Bug Fix

MultiSelection with Retention Labels not possible

We have addressed a bug in the uploading process where multiple documents were not receiving the predefined retention label upon uploading to multiple records at once. Previously, only one document was labeled instead of all selected documents. Now, all documents should correctly receive the retention label as expected.

Created: July 3, 2024

Bug Fix

Retention Crawler Action Visiblitiy

The "Add to Retention Queue" action previously displayed a misleading success message ("Retention Queue Entry Successfully Created") even when no entry was selected. This action is now disabled if no entry is selected. Additionally, any other actions that cannot be used on a selected record are now also disabled on this page.

Created: July 3, 2024

Bug Fix

Non Admins cannot use "Print on Event"

We've fixed a bug that was preventing the creation of an archive queue entry when a report utilizing "Print on Event" was printed with a SIM_DMS User permission set. Now, all users, not just admins, can successfully create archive queue entries as expected.

Created: July 2, 2024

Release Version

Bug Fix

double backslash in SP_FileRef field

Release Note: Fixed a bug that affected the "Show In Repository" action, which previously triggered constant browser refreshes when the preview page was closed. The browser now loads correctly after closing the document preview.

To resolve this issue, manually execute the "Correct Documents URLs" action in the module setup due to the extensive number of document entries that require adjustment, which could potentially cause a timeout if performed during an upgrade step.

Bug Fix

Wrong Source Type of the document Entry

Fixed an issue where the source type of the document entry was set to Migration after synchronizing a document. Now, after performing a synchronization, the correct status is displayed.

Bug Fix

Assign Barcode not Visible

An issue occured where the "Assign Barcode" action on the Barcode Return FB was not visible. This is now fixed and users can now assign a barcode again.

Bug Fix

New created ABS connection not possible

We have addressed a bug that was causing a faulty connection in the ABS record creation process through the wizard in BC. This issue required the storage key to be inserted again. The connection is now functioning as expected after using the wizard, without the need to reinsert the key again.

Bug Fix

Error on opening Listpage with no records

We have addressed a bug that was causing an error message "Record is not open" to appear when opening the Sales Quote Page with no records in the list view. This issue has been resolved and users should no longer encounter this error under these conditions.

Bug Fix

How the created date is shown

We have fixed a bug that caused the date in the Document Central Store to display in different formats. With this update, the date will now always be displayed in the appropriate timezone for the user. The technical XML value should no longer occur.

Bug Fix

Wrong Validation on Sharepoint activation

We've fixed a bug that was preventing the activation of a SharePoint repository when a user group in Office 365 contained a special character in the name. Now, SharePoint repositories can be activated without any error messages, regardless of the presence of special characters in the user group name.

Bug Fix

Double Printing on Document Conversion does not work for Delivery Notes

There was an issue, which caused the report from the delivery note will not be printed during document conversion, even though the Double Printing during Document Conversion settings is turned on. The issue is now fixed, the report will automatically be created.

Feature Upgrade

OAuthentication add TTL information of the Refresh token

In this release, we have added the functionality to view the TTL information of the refresh token in the user authentication register tab on the user page. This enhancement allows both users and administrators to view the expiry of both tokens. Additionally, we have made adjustments to the captions of existing fields for clarity, such as renaming "token expires" to "Access token expires". These changes have been implemented across all relevant fields for consistency.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Reminder Option values instead of Enum

We have fixed a bug related to the German translation in the Document Central. Previously, when using the German language and reminders, users had to manually change the type to "Enum" to get German translations for the status values. This issue has now been addressed and the system will automatically provide German translations.

Bug Fix

Record is open on pages where the DropZone is implemented

We have resolved a bug related to the FactBox display in Document Central. Previously, when a user's license was disabled, the FactBox was incorrectly showing a message that the record was not open. Now, the FactBox correctly displays that the user is not licensed.

Bug Fix

Wrong Document Entry Version No.

We've fixed a bug that was causing incorrect version numbers to display for multiple documents uploaded via Document Central. Now, the version number will always display correctly when checking the document entries.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Licensing and Config Wizard not Run After Product Name change

The Guided Experience is now available for products which have had got a name change.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Wrong Document Entry Version No.

We've fixed a bug that was causing incorrect version numbers to display for multiple documents uploaded via Document Central. Now, the version number will always display correctly when checking the document entries.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Upload Email With an Empty Subject

We've fixed a bug that was causing issues with emails without a subject when dragged and dropped into the Document Central dropzone, nothing will happens. Now, these emails will be correctly stored.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Report Layout on Posting not Saved

We have addressed a bug that was causing an issue where the report layout code is not written in the Archive Queue Entry when posting an order without a customer/vendor specific report layout. It is now fixed, and the report layout code should be written upon posting, even when the default layout is used.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - No Feedback on Multibasket drop

We have fixed a bug associated with the multidrop feature into a document basket. Previously, users were not receiving notifications after successful multidrops. Now, users will be properly notified about the success of the operation and the number of documents successfully uploaded.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Synchronizing a Large Document Amount

There was a problem that when synchronising a large number of documents, the session timed out and no further documents were synchronised.
This has now been fixed by starting a new session every 3 hours.

Bug Fix

Document Central - No information when creating barcode without barcode no. series

Previously, when attempting to create a barcode with an empty or incorrect number series, no action was taken. This has now been corrected. If an empty or incorrect number series is entered, an error message will now appear, indicating that the number series needs to be checked.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Ability to Modify Fixed Metadata Template Values via View/Edit Action

We have fixed a bug that previously allowed users to modify the template value of a document's metadata when using the view/edit metadata functionality. Now, changes to the template value through this functionality are no longer possible, ensuring the integrity and consistency of metadata values assigned through a metadata template.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Manuell Retention Labeling, first shows label after closing

We have addressed a bug that was causing issues with document labeling through the set retention label action, where the label is not directly shown without reopening the page. Now, the label icon will be shown directly after setting the retention label.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Error Message in Groups

We've addressed a bug where users were not receiving clear error messages when encountering issues with memvers features in Document Central for SharePoint. Now, when an external issue occurs such as a non-existent group or blocked permissions, a user-friendly error message will be displayed.

Bug Fix

Document Central - ABS - No feedback after Update within Datagrid

We have addressed a bug where the issue arose when a specific action was taken. This has now been fixed as feedback been added when the action is successfull performed.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Azure Blob Storage Creation Other Regions

We have resolved a BUG which happens when trying to create a new Azure Blob Storage account using an existing resource group. This problem causes the existing resource group name cannot be used, because Document Central automatically add a prefix and suffix in the existing resource group's name. This issue is now fixed, and creating a new Azure Blob Storage account with an existing resource group should not have any problems.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Creation of Metadata for non Admin possible

Previously, we've fixed a bug where users were not receiving the expected exception notification when creating metadata with incorrect permissions. Now, the system correctly alerts users for insufficient permission trying to create.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Error When Clicking on "Number of Versions" in Datagrid (Page-View)

We've fixed a bug that was preventing the "Number of Versions" functioning correctly in the datagrid page view. Users can now click on this value associated with the document and a page will open, allowing them to check the versions of the specific document as intended.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Loading is displayed on Pages that open slow

We have resolved an issue that was causing system instability. This bug fix will improve overall performance and enhance user experience.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Archiving to mutiple records with metadata templates

We have fixed a bug that was causing issues with metadata when multiple documents were uploaded onto a single record. Now, upon checking the definition, the metadata will be properly filled.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Retention Label Information Cleared After Update for ABS in Datagrid

We've fixed a bug related to the datagrid containing multiple documents. Previously, when performing an update action, all information connected to the retention labels was being removed. Now, the update action preserves all related information as expected.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Issue When Cancelling Upload Dialog with "Set Filename on Upload"

We've fixed a bug related to the "set Filename on upload" setting in Document Central mapping. Previously, if a user canceled the dialog during the archiving process, the metadata definition did not display the filename of the document. Now, the filename will correctly display as intended.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - SilentUpload Metadata is overwritten

During a SilentUpload, the metadata from the fixed metadata value would be overwritten if it was in the parameter metadata. This issue has now been resolved. Now, if the metadata from the fixed metadata value is in the parameter metadata, the value will not be overwritten. This update ensures that the metadata created in the Document Central remains intact and unaltered.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Ending Text in Audit Proof Report

The latest update allows Document Central Admins to include an ending text in the Audit Proof Report, clarifying that Simova GmbH takes no warranty for any issues that may arise post-publication. This text can be modeled after previous compliance reports and will detail Simova's non-commitment to any inaccuracies that may occur due to changing market conditions. It also reiterates the user's responsibility to comply with all applicable copyright laws and the restrictions on reproducing, storing, or transmitting any part of the document without written permission from Simova.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - General Caption changes

This release introduces improvements to the Document Central user interface for better distinction between files and Business Central documents. Changes include renaming all mentions of "BC document" to "Business Central Document". In the Document Search, "Creation Date", "Versions", "View", and "Metadata" have replaced "Cration Date", "Version", "View", and "Metadata Count" respectively. Additionally, "Uploaded by" and "Uploaded at" have replaced "Created by" and "Created at" for document entries. These changes aim to enhance user understanding and experience.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Audit Proof Report Action/Set Permission description

In this release, we have added a feature for External Auditors to view descriptions about the action/set Permissions for Retention Labels. This enhancement provides clarity on which users have the authority to set a label, ensuring efficient auditing process.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Regulatory Record Wizard

A wizard for enabling the Regulatory Records feature in Microsoft Pureview is added to the Document Central Retention Label page.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Guided Tour On Retention Label Page

The Retention Label page now includes an introductory guided tour upon first access, providing clear explanations for each action.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Double Print into different Records

We've introduced a new function with an overload (OnReportPost) that allows for files to be uploaded to a different record than the source recordref. This enhancement enables reports to be printed to a specific record, improving the double printing capability. This update is in response to user feedback and aims to enhance the overall user experience.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Performance when opening pages

We've addressed a performance issue that occurred when handling large volumes of documents in Document Central. Previously, users experienced a significant drop in performance when trying to open cards or preview documents if there were 800-900 documents in Document Central. This issue caused delays of over 30 seconds to open a contact card and intermittent hanging when previewing documents. With this update, performance remains consistent regardless of the number of documents in Simova Document Central, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Refactoring of "Codeunit 5227455 Retention Mgt"

In this release, we have refactored the "Codeunit 5227455 Retention Mgt" to improve code comprehension for developers. The update includes detailed comments on procedures and the splitting of functions into smaller, more manageable components where possible. This enhancement will streamline the development process and facilitate easier understanding of the code structure.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Tenant Name in Repository Config should be notblank

Previously, the tenant name within the configuration could be set to blank. With this update, the tenant name field will now require a valid input and can no longer be left blank.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Notification for the "Open Interaction Log Entry" action only shown when CRM is not active

We've enhanced the notification for the "Open Interaction Log Entry" action in the Document Central. A notification will now only appear when the CRM is active in the module setup and the CRM for a specific mapping is not enabled. This provides a more streamlined and efficient user experience.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Metadata Matrix Caption

We have updated the captions in the Document Central User interface for a more professional look and feel. The changes include capitalization corrections in "Import Source Metadata" and "Import Source Content Types" to enhance readability and consistency throughout the platform.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Enhancement of the "Show Source Record" action for the Document Log to allow the old record to be displayed

In this release, we have enhanced the "Show Source Action" to function similarly to the "Show Source Record" action in the Document Search for Document Central users. This improvement allows users to open the source record after the posting process and if the document's not found, the user has the option to open the related document list.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Assigning Automatically from Error Inbound list

We've resolved an issue where the mapping list was incorrectly appearing, even when a document with a correct barcode was successfully assigned in the inbound list. Now, the mapping list will only appear when necessary, streamlining the assignment process.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Document relation from Sales Invoice to Posted Sales Invoice

We have fixed a bug that was preventing documents from displaying on the Posted Sales Invoice. Now, any documents related to the Sales Quote, Sales Order, and Posted Sales Shipment will correctly appear on the Posted Sales Invoice as expected.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Archive Queue archives reports without filename

We have fixed a bug related to the archiving of reports. Previously, when checking the archived report in the datagrid, the filename was not included in the document. With this update, the filename will now be correctly included in the archived report document.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Migration did not migrated all metadata values

We've fixed a bug that was affecting the migration of documents. Previously, some metadata values were not being filled in correctly after migration. With this release, all metadata values should now correctly populate following a document migration.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Record is already open in posting routine

There was a problem where the error "Record is already open" occurred during a booking routine. This has now been fixed by always closing the RecordRef after a run.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Document search preview is not reloaded

We have addressed a bug, in Document Central, concerning the document search functionality. Previously, when applying filter criteria that resulted in no documents found after applying filters where a document has been found, the preview was not cleared resulting, that the preview would show the document from the filter citeria before.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Assigning Automatically from Error Inbound list

We've resolved an issue where the mapping list was incorrectly appearing, even when a document with a correct barcode was successfully assigned in the inbound list. Now, the mapping list will only appear when necessary, streamlining the assignment process.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Migration did not migrated all metadata values

We've fixed a bug that was affecting the migration of documents. Previously, some metadata values were not being filled in correctly after migration. With this release, all metadata values should now correctly populate following a document migration.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - SP Migration Wrong Library Name

We have fixed a bug that was previously causing issues when documents were archived to a document library with special characters. Now, when the SharePoint Migration is executed, these documents will be successfully migrated to the new repository.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Access Control on Metadata Templates

We have resolved a bug related to metadata management access controls. Previously, restrictions configured at the metadata management level were not effectively applied to the restricted site. This issue has been fixed to ensure proper access control and restriction enforcement.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Wrong Validation in Recycle Uploads

We have resolved a bug that was causing errors during the run of the clean upload queue. Now, the queue runs smoothly without any disruptions.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Special character in Doc No. cannot be processed in Archive Queue

There was a problem that documents to be processed in the Archive Queue had a special character in the Doc No. (e.g. PSI0001/12). These were then not processed because the special character was not converted correctly. This has now been fixed and the processing works without any problems.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Remove TryFunctions that cause errors in on-prem environments

There were problems with the processing of Archive Queue Entries because transactions were executed in TryFunctions. This has now been corrected by removing the Try Functions.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Archive Queue cues in Admin Rolecenter optimised

The filtering of the archive queue cues was misleading because it was not filtered when an archive queue was processed, but when it was created. This has now been corrected so that the display in the roll centre shows the correct number of documents.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Archive Queue counts entries that cannot be processed

There was a problem that documents that were not processed because a previous version had not yet been uploaded were added to the calculation of the entries to be processed. This is not correct as a certain number of entries should be processed per job queue run. This has now been optimised and the specified number is now processed.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Specific Email can't be dropped on the DropZone

We've resolved a bug that was affecting the upload functionality on the Document Central Datagrid. Users can now successfully upload emails dropping them on to the Dropzone without any issues.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Document relation from Sales Invoice to Posted Sales Invoice

We have fixed a bug that was preventing documents from displaying on the Posted Sales Invoice. Now, any documents related to the Sales Quote, Sales Order, and Posted Sales Shipment will correctly appear on the Posted Sales Invoice as expected.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - SharePoint Migration - Metadata Matrix

This release introduces a Matrix feature for Document Central Admins, crucial for SharePoint Migration. It allows seamless transfer of Metadata and Content Types between any SharePoint systems. This enhancement, accessible from the Migration Page, ensures successful document migration by preserving content type availability and metadata values from the source document.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Document Preview issue

We have fixed a bug in the DataGrid that prevented documents from being displayed.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Manual Assignemnt from Inbound List Transaction Error

We've fixed a bug in the inbound list. Previously, an issue was encountered when a document was signed with a barcode and then changing that barcode to another one would let an Error occur. With this update, documents can now be resigned with barcodes, without any issues.

Bug Fix

Document Central – Tenant Name in Repository Setup is not mandatory

We've fixed a bug where the tenant name was not being made mandatory during repository configuration. This was causing difficulties in downloading certificates. Now, the tenant name is required, ensuring proper functioning of the application certificate downloads.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - SilentUpload Metadata is overwritten

Previously, if the metadata from the fixed metadata value was in the parameter metadata, it was being overwritten. With this update, the fixed metadata value will no longer be overwritten during a SilentUpload, improving the function where the metadata is transferred as a parameter.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Double printing does not work because of report layout selection

There was a problem with double printing that occurred when the required entry was not available in the Report Layout Selection table. This request has been removed and the problem no longer occurs.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Optimize Archive Queue performance

The performance of the processing of the archive queue was not sufficient if you want to process several hundred thousand documents daily. This has now been optimised by using background sessions for processing. The number of sessions allowed can be set in the Document Central Module setup. The most efficient way of processing is as follows: Total upload attempts per run (incl. retries): 1000 Max. Parallel Running Sessions: 25

Bug Fix

CORE - Preview opens in a new tab

We have fixed a bug in the Document Central Preview that occurred when selecting a large file from the Document Central Document entries and subsequently changing the document. This previously resulted in the document not displaying in the Document Central Preview, but instead opening in a new tab.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Download and export action on document search

We've fixed a bug in the Document Central document search functionality. Previously, the 'download' and 'export' options were not working as expected. Now, clicking 'download' will directly download the selected document or, in case of multiple documents, download them as a ZIP file. When 'export' is selected, the whole filtered list will be downloaded.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Datagrid Version 0

We've fixed a bug that was causing incorrect version numbers to be displayed when opening the Datagrid of an archived document. Now, the correct version number is displayed as expected.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Print on Event for browser printing

In this release, we have added a new feature for Document Central Admins. Now, whenever the "Print on Event" function is activated for a report, the report will be automatically archived if the printing takes place via the browser. This ensures that all reports that are printed or created through document conversion are safely stored in the repository.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - User can print into Document Central despite having no permission

We have resolved a bug that previously allowed unauthorized users to upload a document through the archive queue. Now, the Archive Queue Entry will be created but not uploaded via the Job Queue until it is reset by an authorized user or the user is granted upload access.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Dynamic Mapping Value Selection does not work properly

We have resolved an issue concerning Dynamic Mapping Value Selection for metadata values. Previously, the selected value wasn't assigned to the metadata upon document archiving. Now, if the Dynamic Mapping Value Selection is enabled and a document is archived, the chosen Metadata value will be correctly assigned. If only one value is found for the metadata, it will be automatically populated.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Datetime is not written to the Metadata

A fix has been done, to make the SetDateTime action on the Document Definition not usable for the "Archiving Date".

Bug Fix

Document Central - Cycle Job Queue is not working correct

We've fixed a bug that was causing issues for users in BC when attempting to create a new year subsite using the job queue. The functionality should now work as expected.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Metadata Actions are visible if user is not active

We've fixed a bug related to license validation. Previously, actions were being displayed in the role center even when no license was active. With this update, no actions will be visible unless a valid license is active.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Filtered View is not Filtered after document deletion

We've resolved an issue that caused the filters to reset on the document entry page when accessed via the chart and after deleting a document due to an sessions reload that was performed on the delete action. The unnecessary session reload has been eliminated, ensuring the page will maintain correct filtering.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Access Control Configured Toggle non-editable

We've fixed a bug where the toggle indicator on the Content Type card was incorrectly editable. Now, the toggle indicator is correctly displayed as non-editable when an Access Control is in action.

Bug Fix

Document Inbound - Preview Factbox not empty if list is empty

The preview factbox will now be completely empty when the inbound documents list is empty. Previously, some old documents might still be shown in the preview factbox, even though there are no entries in the list.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Adding users in user group does not show them synced

In this release, we have fixed a bug which previously caused that, users were not correctly marked as SharePoint users when viewing the user list. This issue has now been resolved and users will be accurately identified as SharePoint users, when a new modern SharePoint is set as the active repository.

Bug Fix

Document Central - No Empty File Message while Uploading through File Explorer

Previously, when you have stored empty files via drag & drop a message came that one or more documents are empty and therefore can not be stored. But when storing an empty file via file explorer there was no message and nothing was uploaded. This error has now been fixed and now this message appears every time when trying to store an empty document regardless of whether via drag & drop or via file explorer.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Improve Create retention label dialog on SharePoint

The label-text in the confirmation dialog of the "Create retention label" action has been adjusted to meet the requirements of a confirmation dialog.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Changing Repository unchecks published document library content types

An error has been fixed that occurred during the update of a SharePoint Repository. This error prevented Content Types in a Document Library from being set as published. Additionally, a new dialog has been added that prompts users to confirm if an immediate update should be performed when changing the active repository to a SharePoint repository.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Interaction Log Entries "Show Document Central Document" Action opens document search

A fix has been made, that the Show Document Central Document action on the Interaction Log Entry really shows the document and this within the Document Entries instead of Document Search.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Standard email sending creates two archive queue versions

We've fixed a bug related to the email sending functionality. Previously, multiple archive queue entries were being created during the BC standard Email sending process. Now, only one archive queue entry will be created.

Bug Fix

Document Central - When doing a multdrop on multiple records then the metadata should change

We have fixed a bug related to the multidrop feature. Previously, when dropping files on multiple records, the metadata values showed the values based on the first selected record. Now, when multiple files are dropped, all metadata fields will display "[Multiple Records selected]".

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Block Lookup for Document Central Users

In this update, we have enhanced the Document Central Admin functionality by preventing the use of lookups in the Document Central Users User field. This change ensures that no unlicensed Document Central users can be selected, thereby reducing the potential for errors.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - SharePoint Members Caption/Tooltips/Icons

We have updated the tooltips and captions related to Document Central SharePoint Members related actions for improved clarity and user understanding. These changes will provide a clearer understanding of the action's function for Document Central users.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Share functionality on the DataGrid

This release introduces an enhanced share functionality on the DataGrid, similar to the BC standard. This feature comes with a 'Share' button. It also allows users to see who the file is already shared with.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Share Functionality for document versions.

We have introduced a new feature for our Document Central Users. Now, users can utilize the share functionality for specific versions of a document. This enhancement allows for more flexibility and control over document sharing, enabling users to share different versions of a document. This action is available across multiple pages and has been integrated into all areas for seamless user experience.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Share functionality on the Document Entry Page

This release introduces an enhanced share functionality on the Document Entry, similar to the BC standard. This feature comes with a 'Share' button. It also allows users to see who the file is already shared with.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Share functionality on the Document Search

This release introduces an enhanced share functionality on the Document Search, similar to the BC standard. This feature comes with a 'Share' button. It also allows users to see who the file is already shared with.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Username field

We've updated the Document Central user interface to include the username in user groups. This field will now display the Full Name, ensuring accurate user identification, especially in cases of modern authentication. Previously, the system displayed the repository username, which was not populated during modern authentication. This enhancement improves user group navigation and user identification.

Feature Upgrade

DI - Multiple Bar- & QR Code Assignment

In this release, we have updated our Document Management System (Document Central) to allow multiple assignments of the same barcode number. This change removes the previous restriction that caused an error when a barcode was assigned more than once. Users can now create multiple entries with the same barcode number. Additionally, when a document is returned to the system, it will be archived against every record that has a barcode entry with the same value. This enhancement streamlines the archiving process, saving users significant time when archiving a document against multiple records.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Audit Proof Show Source Action

Now, on the Audit Proof Log page, users can directly open the source record where the document was uploaded. This enhancement facilitates easy access to the source record of the Document Central entry related to the Audit Proof Log entry.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Adding Option to enter Document Entries via Document Central Search

The Document Central Document Entries page has now been added to the Business Central Search, previously it was only possible to open the page from the Document Central Role Center.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Disallow using the same Email Address for Authentication

we have enhanced the Document Central to disallow the input of duplicate authentication user name for a Document Central user. This update ensures the prevention of potential authentication misuse.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Azure Blob Storage Single Container for All Document Libraries

We have introduced a new feature for Document Central users to enhance their data management capabilities. Users now have the flexibility to choose between using a multiple container for each document library or a single container for all document libraries. This update aims to provide users with more control over their data and facilitate the use of additional services like Azure Cognitive Search with Azure Blob Storage.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Show Document Log Action on Document Search

We have added a new feature for Document Central Users in the Document Search functionality. Users now have the option to open the Document logs directly from the Document Search for the selected entry. This enhancement ensures that the Document Search has the same functionality as the Document entry page to open the Document log page, providing a more streamlined and efficient user experience.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Fill Azure Cognitive Setup fields automatically with recommended values

In this release, we have enhanced the user experience for Document Central Users by introducing pre-filled fields with recommended values for the Azure Cognitive Search and Index wizards. This feature aims to streamline data entry, saving time and effort, while still retaining the flexibility for users to change these values as needed.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Update to Business Central 23

The runtime version has been upgraded to version 12 to ensure optimal compatibility with Business Central 23.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Error during certificate authentication

There was a problem that when you synchronised a document, it was always authenticated with the certificate. This led to errors for customers who did not use the certificate. This has now been fixed.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Redirect Url in authentication function

There was a problem generating the redirect url in different contexts. This has been fixed by not generating the redirect url again during authentication but loading the existing one from the Document Central Module Setup.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Dynamic Redirect URL for SaaS

The redirect URL is no longer fixed to "". It is now dynamically fetched from the Business Central URL. This allows custom domain users in SaaS environment to utilize the App Registration Wizard. Please note that the custom domain still needs to be manually inserted in our CORE App. This update is aimed at providing flexibility for customers to use their own domains with our App Registration Wizard.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Reload Core User Page deactivates all Users

We've fixed a bug where users were being incorrectly deactivated when navigating to and reloading the Core Users page from the Document Central and DVS User page. Now, enabled users will stay active as intended.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Improve Create retention label dialog on SharePoint

The label-text in the confirmation dialog of the "Create retention label" action has been adjusted to meet the requirements of a confirmation dialog.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Interaction Log Entries "Show Document Central Document" Action opens document search

A fix has been made, that the Show Document Central Document action on the Interaction Log Entry really shows the document and this within the Document Entries instead of Document Search.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Set the Repository active if the module setup is not active

Before it was not possible to set the repository to active in the repository wizard and also not via action when creating a repository. Now this problem has been solved and activating the newly created repository is possible again, both in the repository wizard and via action.

Bug Fix

Document Central - (Version) Metadata is not filled

In this fix, we have enhanced the document upload feature through the Dropzone. Now, when you upload the same document and create a document version, the "version" metadata will be automatically populated into the document version.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Wrong creation of log when printing the same report multiple times

In this release, we have corrected a bug in the document log functionality. Previously, when a report was archived multiple times, all document logs of the report were incorrectly marked as 'archived'. With this update, only the first log will be marked as 'archived' and subsequent logs will correctly be marked as 'versioning'. This ensures accurate tracking and management of your document archiving and versioning activities.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Email Accompanying Documents

In this release, we have fixed a feature for our document storage system. Now, when you store a document that is accompanied by an email, the system will automatically assign the respective metadata value. This enhancement aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of document management.

Bug Fix

Document Central - "Report setting does not exist. Identifying fields and values: Report ID='0'." during sending

In this release, we have addressed an issue that was causing errors when sending documents once Document Central to EDS was installed. With this update, we ensure that this issue no longer occurs, providing a smooth document transmission process.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Authentication problem during synchronization and archive upload

There was a problem that a SharePoint certificate was required for synchronization and archive upload, even though you wanted to use this with user authentication. This has now been fixed and the process now first checks whether a SharePoint certificate is available and if not, it is uploaded in the user context.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Open Interaction Log Entry Card after creating Interaction Log Entry

This addition opens a log entry creation, if a user has CRM activated in the Module Setup, the tick set on the mapping of a document library and the setting for this opening is activated.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Client Certificate Manual Upload/OnPrem Creation

The Document Central Users now have the added flexibility of manually uploading and using Client Certificates for On-Premise. For Business Central On-Premise, once the user data for the App Registration is entered, a new page will now be available to manually add the client certificate file.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Email Mapping Metadata Error

There was a problem that if the email mapping was not set up correctly in the mapping setup, the error "The metadata information are not correct! Check the Content Type ID of the Document Library or update all Sharepoint information again" was displayed. Now a specific error message is displayed to the user.

Bug Fix

**Document Central - Actions on the Page-View of the Datagrid should be checked for functionality **

This fix enables to use actions such as "Remove", "Move" and "Download" that caused improper operations in the Page view, while they worked without problems in the Add-In view.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Datagrid version window not working properly & deselect not possible

In this release, we have enhanced the functionality of the datagrid. Now, when you select a version and then revert back to the main version, the actions for the main documents will not only be visible again but will also be fully operational. This improvement ensures a seamless and efficient user experience.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Retention Label filtered for active Repository

This fix filters the retention label page based on the current active repository.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Metadata issue / Missing values in the library and in the sharepoint

Resolved an issue where multiple entries of the same metadata for different document libraries were not being saved. Now, metadata is saved consistently.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Log for change of Metadata

With this addition, you now get entries on the document log page that tell you if a document's metadata has been modified.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Add Notifiction when Certificate expires

Added a notification within Business Central that notifies the Document Central contact person when the certificate expires within the next month.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Log of Move Document

With this addition, you now have entries on the document log page that tell you when a document was moved to another document library, for example.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Log the Set Retention Label Action

With this addition it was implemented that you now get entries in the document log page after you have assigned a retention label to a document, which provides information about which document has been assigned with which retention label.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Track Export All Functionality

With this addition, you now get entries in the Document Log Page that provide information about the documents that have been downloaded with the "Export All" action.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Audit Log Configuration

A new page-part within the Document Central | Module Setup has been added where the creation of log entries can be individually enabled or disabled.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Log for Restore Version

With this addition, you now get entries in the Document Log Page that show the documents where the current document version has been restored to an older version.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Refactoring of "Codeunit 5227441 SP Migration"

  • Comprehensive code refactoring conducted to enhance structure, readability, and maintainability.
  • Existing procedures commented for improved codebase documentation.
  • Complex functions split into smaller, modular functions to enhance maintainability.

These changes collectively enhance Codeunit 5227441 SP Migration, making it more maintainable and understandable for current and future development.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Log the download document basket

With this addition, you now get entries in the Document Log Page that provide information about when a document was downloaded through the Document Basket.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Refactoring of "Codeunit 5227454 Relation Mgt"

  • Comprehensive code refactoring conducted to enhance structure, readability, and maintainability.
  • Existing procedures commented for improved codebase documentation.

These changes collectively enhance Codeunit 5227454 Relation Mgt., making it more maintainable and understandable for current and future development.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Audit of Document Downloads

With this addition, you now get entries in the document log page that give information about document downloads, so you can track them.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Log for adding doc to document basket

With this Addition, you now get entries on the document log page that tell you when a document was added to the document cart.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Retention Handling Azure Blob Storage

The handling of retention for a Azure Blob Storage repository has been improved. Previously, it was not possible to assign a retention label to a new version of a document. This limitation has been addressed, allowing users to now define a retention label during the archival of a new document version. This change enhances retention management capabilities.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Add Notifiction when The Client Secret expires

Added a notification within Business Central that notifies the Document Central contact person when the client secret expires within the next month.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Change Archive queue filename order

We have made an adjustment to the filename configuration for printed reports. Previously, the order was set as Document No - Report Layout Name (if included) - Configured Report File Name - Version No. This sequence was incorrect and has now been rectified. The corrected order is now Document No - Configured Report File Name - Report Layout Name (if included) - Version No.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Rights issue when deleting Purchase Invoice Lines

A permissions error occurred while using the Document Central User Permissions set, making it impossible to delete Sales/Purchase Lines within a Quote/Order/Invoice.

This error has been fixed and it is now possible to delete Sales/Purchase Lines when using the Document Central User Permissions set.

Bug Fix

Document Central - UTC Time used in "Changed At" field

Previously, when a document was uploaded to SharePoint, the "Changed At" field in the document entry displayed the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). Now, after uploading a document to SharePoint, the "Changed At" field will now display the right time zone.

Bug Fix

**Document Central - Retention labels not selectable and metadata not showing for all content types in document definition **

Previously it was not possible to select a retention label in the document definition window and if a label was pre-configured it was not displayed. In addition, it was not possible to view the metadata for all content types in the document definition window. Now these errors are fixed and it is again possible to select retention labels and use them, as well as view the metadata for all content types.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Edit on Document dosen't work | Actions don't work afterwards

An error occurred when using the action on the document entry page, which caused the functions to not work properly.

This error has been resolved, and the action on the Document entry page now works properly.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Table Object "SIM_Document Central Document Log" was moved

Other objects that were not in the Document Central object range were corrected and moved to the object range.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Central - Change Archive queue filename order

We have made an adjustment to the filename configuration for printed reports. Previously, the order was set as Document No - Report Layout Name (if included) - Configured Report File Name - Version No. This sequence was incorrect and has now been rectified. The corrected order is now Document No - Configured Report File Name - Report Layout Name (if included) - Version No.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Table Object "SIM_Document Central Document Log" was moved

We have changed the table number from the object 5227441 "SIM_Document Central Document Log" to the object 5227480 "SIM_Document Central Document Entry Log", because the number 5227441 is not in the Document Central object range.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Edit on Document dosen't work Actions don't work afterwards

An error occurred when using the action on the document entry page, which caused the functions to not work properly. This error has been resolved, and the action on the Document entry page now works properly.

Bug Fix

Rights issue when deleting Purchase Invoice Lines

A permissions error occurred while using the Document Central User Permissions set, making it impossible to delete Sales/Purchase Lines within a Quote/Order/Invoice. This error has been fixed and it is now possible to delete Sales/Purchase Lines when using the Document Central User Permissions set.

Bug Fix

UTC Time used in "Changed At" field

Previously, when a document was uploaded to SharePoint, the "Changed At" field in the document entry displayed the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). Now, after uploading a document to SharePoint, the "Changed At" field will now display the right time zone.

Bug Fix

Retention labels not selectable and metadata not showing for all content types in document definition

Previously it was not possible to select a retention label in the document definition window and if a label was pre-configured it was not displayed. In addition, it was not possible to view the metadata for all content types in the document definition window. Now these errors are fixed and it is again possible to select retention labels and use them, as well as view the metadata for all content types.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Label prioritization based on metadata

The creation of an App Registration is now moved to the new Document Central - App Registration Wizard. This wizard will guide the user to create a new App Registration for Document Central, and also give the possibility for the user to create an App Registration which its own name.

Feature Upgrade

App Registration Wizard in Repository Wizard

The Document Central - Repository Wizard (SaaS) will now give a prompt to the user to configure its App Registration upon tryin to create a new Azure Blob Storage or SharePoint site, when the user tries to create a new one without configuring the App Registration in the Document Central - Module Setup beforehand.

Feature Upgrade

App Registration Save Data on Creating New App Registration

Creating a new App Registration in Document Central, will now save the App Registration data, so that upon trying to edit the App Registration with the Document Central - App Configuration Wizard, the fields are prefilled with the existing data.

Feature Upgrade

Document Log for Archiving Documents

The document log has been extended so that deleting a document now creates an entry.

Feature Upgrade

Document Log for deletion of the document

The document log has been developed.

Feature Upgrade

Log Version Creation

The document log has been enhanced so that versioning now creates entries.

Feature Upgrade

Add search in document log for document search

The document search has been extended in that it is now possible to search for log entries for document numbers that do not have a document, in addition to document relationships.

Feature Upgrade

General Document Log Page

A new log page has been created, which displays all log entries for documents.

Feature Upgrade

Using the SharePoint App Access for the Document Central Synchronization

It is now possible that the user who triggers the synchronisation does not have to be authenticated to the sharepoint. The download is now executed via a SharePoint App user.

Bug Fix

Editing Retention Start Time is not working

Previously, when a document was dropped and the retention labeling time was manually changed by a few minutes, the new time was not taken into consideration and the label was then set directly. This has now been fixed and the newly entered time is now used. (With a preconfigured label in the document library)

Bug Fix

Add Missing Permissions

Some of the objects were not included in the permission sets, which has now been fixed.

Bug Fix

MultiSelection with MultiDrop removes Content Type

There was a problem that when uploading a document with multi selection, only the content type of the first document was set. Now the content type is assigned to each uploaded document when it is confirmed.

Bug Fix

Multidrop on Multiple Records wrong Invoice No. in Metadata

There was a problem that when uploading more than one document with multi selection, only the metadata from the first selected record was set, so a Posted Sales Invoice with the No. PS-INV103021 could have the value PS-INV103040 in their metadata. Now, when using multi selection with more than one document, only the metadata that is not part of the configured Document Central - Mapping is used for all documents.

Bug Fix

Uploading a file with special characters via the archive queue

In this bug it was the case that the report layout text was stored and archived with a slash (special character), which led to respectively different errors when storing on repositories of the type Azure Blob Storage and SharePoint. The bugfix solves the error by converting special characters in the report layout text to underscores.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Creation of App Registration Wizard

The creation of an App Registration is now moved to the new Document Central - App Registration Wizard. This wizard will guide the user to create a new App Registration for Document Central, and also give the possibility for the user to create an App Registration which its own name.

Feature Upgrade

The Migration Report Overhaul

The SharePoint migration has been changed from a report to a page. This allows for better viewing and management of the migration data.

It is also now possible to migrate data to a SharePoint using OAuth.

Feature Upgrade

Modifying Renew App Registration

Renewing the Document Central App Registration is now possible for other App Registration names other than "Document Central". The Client Secret will also no longer be name(Client Secret Description in Azure Portal) dependant. It will look up which Client Secret is currently in used and updates it. The new Client Secret will now also be shown after renewing, so that the user can take a note of it and use it again if needed.

Feature Upgrade

Remove USER LIMITED permission

The Permission set "User Limited" was set on obsolete and is going to be removed in the close future. The configuration for specific permission should only be done from the new feature Document Central - access control.

Feature Upgrade

App Registration check permissions for own data entering

The Document Central - App Registration Wizard will check if all of the necessary permissions are inserted in the App Registration to be used by Document Central. The wizard will also show which permissions are missing from the App Registration when user is trying to use existing App Registration.

Feature Upgrade

Access Granted more visible

The Document Central - Module Setup now have a new field which shows if the permission is already granted or not.

Feature Upgrade

Possibility to switch Document Storage in Document Central on and off

A toggle switch was added to enable/disable the creation of an entry in the archive queue for "report" type attachments, in the EDS dispatch profile options, which would have been automatically printed before.

Feature Upgrade

Adding fields for the app registration to the module setup

The Document Central - Module Setup now have more fields in the App Registration section, which contains the important information of an App Registration. The fields are shown differently depending on the environment type (SaaS or On-Prem).

Feature Upgrade

Wizard for changing the App Registration

Changing an existing App Registration is now possbile through the Document Central - App Registration Wizard, which offers more flexibility for configuring the App Registration.

Feature Upgrade

Standard Selection for Barcode

It is now possible to select a default barcode content type selection in the Barcode Factbox configuration, so that this content type is automatically pre-selected each time the content type list opens on barcode creation or assignment.

Bug Fix

Metadata Management Error Message

An error occurred when selecting a content type for metadata management that had not yet been published, resulting in the metadata management page being closed.

This error has now been fixed and it is now possible to select a content type that has not yet been published when defining the metadata management.

Bug Fix

Selection of last entry in the document search & entry

There was a problem that when performing the "Show Document" action on the "Document Search" or on the list of all document entries, the selected record was set to the last one. This is now fixed and after performing the action the previously selected entry is now still selected.

Bug Fix

Archive queue entry not filled correctly

Before there was the issue that when double printing, the fields Report ID and Filename were filled incorrectly or were not filled and that when you tried to enter the archive queue through the Dropzone, an error was thrown, which no longer occurs. Now both the field are correctly filled and it is possible to enter the archive queue through the Dropzone.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

SharePoint app access in the archive queue

You now have the option to upload items to the SharePoint via the archive queue job queue in the application context. You can find this option in the Document Central Module Setup under the Archive Queue Upload Method field. Select App to allow the archive queue job queue to upload to the SharePoint in the application context.

Important! This feature requires the application registration to be extended. Authentication is done using a certificate stored in the application registry. Also, 2 new application SharePoint permissions have been added. To use this feature you have to click on "Create App Regestration" in the Document Central module setup and accept the new permissions. After that you will find a certificate in your app registry which is valid for 1 year.

Bug Fix

Retention Label queue is not filtered base on active repository

The Retention queue previously shown the entries for all repositories. A fix has been completed so that only the entries on the Retention queue page that have been handled with the repository that is the active one at the moment are shown.

Bug Fix

Wrong Compliance Center Link

The Compliance Center link for the "Create Label" action has been opening the usual Retention Label configuration of Microsoft. In order to take away even the admins permission to remove retention labels from a record, the labels have to be created as regulatury records in the fileplan configuration of the Microsoft Compliance center. The link in the action has been replaced and a reference to the Simova Documentation has been added.

Bug Fix

Retention Label on Content Type not editable

A Bug occured that made the field retention label not editable on the Content Type card page.

This bug has now been fixed and the field retention label is now editable on the content type page card.

Bug Fix

Archive Queue entries don't fill the retention start and end time

When an archive queue entry gets uploaded to the SharePoint the retention start and end time was not filled within Document Central.

This bug has now been fixed so that the start and end time of the Document Central entries uploaded via the archive queue now have the start and end time of the retention label filled.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Remove repositorydata page from search

The page Simova Apps | Document Central - Repository Data is now removed from the search bar since it has no value to be entered directly. Therefore the full list can be searched and entered.

Feature Upgrade

EventSubscriber for Document Central Barcode Entry 2 for transfering Entry to DI Barcode Entry

If a new barcode is created in the Barcode Entry 2 table in Document Central, it is written to the Barcode Entry table in the Document Inbound App, if it is installed.

Feature Upgrade

Event and Documentation to change Document Layout Code before Print Page

A new event was added to Document Central that gets triggered before the Document Central archive queue entry is created during the posting process with the document layout code, RecordRef and the Report No. of the archived report.

An example for usage can be found in the Document Central documentation.

Feature Upgrade

Add Source and Document Library Code to Document Library Input Page

In Document Central, a feature has been previously added that enables you to find documents in the document search that are related to the record in case the record itself has no documents stored on it yet. The "Source Document No." field has now been added to the Document Library Input Dialog page, so that the Document No. entered on the "Document Search" page can also be seen when selecting the document library.

Feature Upgrade

Document Definition Metadata subform

The overview on the "Document Definition Metadata Subform" card page has been adjusted to have a better separation of the fields.

Feature Upgrade

Fetch Report Layout Code from Report Settings Page

The functionality of the Report Layouts was now improved within Document Central so that when the Report Layout is changed on the request page the archived Document Central entry also uses the changed Report Layout.

Feature Upgrade

Field to add to Filename in Report Settings

A new field called "Report File Name" has been added to the "Document Central Report Setup" to allow you to customize the file name of your report. This function is displayed in the following format (No. - Report File Name - Report Layout Code). In case a single page regarding one record is used for printing multiple reports, the own filename can be used to differentiate the filenames from one another, in case the report layout code is not used.

You will also find the "Add Report Layout Description" field, which you can use to include or exclude the report layout code in the file name. Please note that if disabled, different document layouts will be stored as versions of the same document.

Feature Upgrade

Change "Document Entry" to "document entries" for Document Relation Query in Document Search

In the document search a dialog is displayed when the searched document is not found and the caption "Document Entry" has been changed to "document entries".

Feature Upgrade

Navigate to page from document relation

Two new actions called "Show Source Record" and "Show Target Record" are now available in the Document Central - Document Relation List. This button will open the selected source/target record page, provided the record is still available in the database. This is only possible for admins since only they have access to the page.

Feature Upgrade

Entering document relationship manually

Two new actions called "Add Source Relation" and "Add Target Relation" are now available in the Document Central - Document Relation List. This button enables the possibility to add a document relation manually, by selecting a source/target record. This is only possible for admins since only they have access to the page.

Feature Upgrade

Deleting Shipement Document Relationship through Events

Deleting a shipment line in the Sales Invoice page, will now also delete all the related document relationship automatically. This is only possible for admins since only they have access to the page.

Feature Upgrade

Factbox Integration to Lot No. information

The Document Central factbox has been integrated into the "Lot No. Information" list and card.

Feature Upgrade

Message in case of no SharePoint reply

Previously, no message was shown when SharePoint returned a communication error without a specific error code. A message has now been added which is stating that no specific error message has been returned by the SharePoint.

Bug Fix

Performance analysis for relations documents

It could occur that when using an Additional search setup with cross references, infinite search circles are created when opening a record with the Document Central factbox on it. This has now been fixed and the Additional search goes through the different searches only once and also more performant.

Bug Fix

Activate Debug - No functionality

The option to activate the debug functionality was set obsolete and not visible. It is set to be removed with a future update.

Bug Fix

Factbox Visible in Barcode Content Type Selection

The document preview factbox was displayed during the content type selection for barcode label printing. This is now hidden there.

Bug Fix

Behaviour after storing empty file

When storing an empty Word document, first a message appeared that no empty documents can be stored and then the versioning window opened. Now the problem is solved and after the message for the empty document no further window appears.

Bug Fix

Error occurs on versioning from multidrop

When dropping multiple documents (including empty word documents), an error message appeared after the versioning window. This has now been fixed and the drop and versioning works again.

Bug Fix

SharePoint Member field only for Modern Auth

The SharePoint member field in the Document Central user list is now only visible when the authentication type is set to modern. This is due to the functionality not being possible for basic authentication.

Bug Fix

Repository wizard does not work properly for OnPrem

An Error occured when using the Repository Wizard in an OnPrem Enviorment that made it impossible to configure a SharePoint Repository.

This Bug was now fixed it is now possible to use the Repository wizard to define a repository of type SharePoint.

Bug Fix

Remove "Rename Content Type" functionality

Because the content type is an important part of revision security, the Rename Content Type feature is no longer supported and has an obsolete tag.

Bug Fix

Show Document Action in Document Search finds nothing

Previously the action "Show Source Record" on the Document Search and the Document Entry did not work because it always tried to open the last entry instead of the selected one. Now it has been fixed and it is possible to open the selected source record again.

Bug Fix

User Settings for preview not saved

Document Central saves the settings of the datagrid when the size of the preview window/version window has been changed, so that it remains the same when the datagrid is opened again in the respective document library. An error occurred when the preview window/version window was collapsed which caused the settings for it to not be saved.

This error has now been fixed, if the preview window/version window was collapsed and the datagrid is opened again, the preview window/version window remains collapsed.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Authenticate action only on the current user

It is now possible to authenticate only your own user against a repository. This prevents users from authenticating other users.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Library should not be deletable after storing a document on it

A document library can only be deleted now if no document is stored on it.

Feature Upgrade

Retention label actions for ABS & SP should not be shown

The actions for creating and synchronizing retention labels with the SharePoint and Azure Blob Storage repositories that were displayed when selecting retention labels are now hidden.

Feature Upgrade

Show relation entries

The Document Central - Dropzone Factbox now have a new button called "Related Documents". This button will show the document relationship for the selected entry. A deletion of the document relation is also possible by Document Central admin.

Feature Upgrade

Doc. Search query for entries with indirect relation

The document search will now ask to search for related documents if no document entry is found while searching. The message will only be shown if the "Document No." field in the filter group has a value filled.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Label Permissions via the Group Permissions

A new permission has been added to the permissions administration that allows administrators to specify whether the users present in the user group are allowed to change the retention label when archiving a document.

Feature Upgrade

Extended permissions configuration

A new functionality was added to Document Central that makes it possible to define which users are able see, write or delete documents within a Document Library. This permission control can be configured on the level of the document library itself, content types and content types on document libraries. More on the extended permission control can be found in the Document Central document.

Feature Upgrade

Reminder Caption & Tooltip Revision

An Improvement of the Caption & Tooltips was made that are in relation to Document Central Reminders.

Feature Upgrade

Implementation of a Related Document List Page In Document Central Pages

The related document list page can now be opened trough the document entries page and the datagrid.

Feature Upgrade

List of Document Related Entries

A new list is added which shows the related document libraries of a document and how many documents are stored in the document library.

Feature Upgrade

Show Doc. Entries in the related document list

After opening the new related document list, the field "No. of Entries" can be used to have a filtered view of the document entries that have a relation.

Feature Upgrade

Repository Setup Wizard Captions & Tooltips revision

An Improvement of the captions & tooltips around the Document Central | Repository Setup Wizard has been made.

Bug Fix

Missing Permissions for User Set

A fix has been completed which makes it possible for Users with the permissions "User Limited" and "User" to take use of the Barcode-Factbox and its actions, that has beforehand been declined because of its missing user-permissions.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Guided Experience CheckList error on update

There was a problem that during the update a table entry was tried to be inserted into the Guided Experience, although this entry existed. This was fixed by requesting the context.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Repository Definition Card when Searching

There was an error that when opening the "Document Central Repository Definition" from the search in a non-configured environment from the search the first time, that the "Document Central Repository Configuration" page opened and then on when closing it created a repository without a name. This problem is now fixed and does not occur anymore.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Set Report Settings throws Error

When trying to define the report settings in the report setup of Document Central, an error occurred which made it impossible to define the report settings for reports.

This error has now been fixed and it is now possible to define the report settings in the report setup of Document Central.

Bug Fix

Barcode Factbox titel overwrites the Document Central factbox titel

An error ocurred that canged the titel of the Document Central DropZone Factbox to have the same name as the Document Central Barcode Factbox.

This bug was now fixed the Titel of the Document Central DropZone Factbox will not be overwriten by the configured Titel of the Document Central Barcode Factbox.

Bug Fix

OnAfterGetCurrRecord trows error on DataGrid

There was a problem that the Document Central DataGrid could not be opened because an error occurred in the OnAfterGetCurrRecord. This error was fixed by removing the trigger, because it has no relevance in the DataGrid.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Base64 conversion

There was a problem that responses of the API by Simova were converted from Base64 to normal text, although they had no Base64 conversion. This has now been fixed.

Bug Fix

Document Central Datagrid error when opening

There was a problem that when opening the Document Central datagrid an error occurred because an attempt was made to execute a wrong .Get() on a record variable. This has now been corrected.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Reminder Batches in User Role Center

The Reminder Cue was added and is now available inside the Document Central admin and user role center.

Feature Upgrade

Expired Retention Labels should be deletable or have no effect on a document

A new handling of expired retention labels has been added, where expired ones do not get captured by the retention crawler anymore. Additionallly a action has been added to delete a expired retention label with has been placed on a document, so that if it is wanted a user has the option to place a new one. To identify a expired one, just like on a ongoing or a delated retention label, a emoji was added which shows a clock and a open lock.

Feature Upgrade

Transferring Documents via the Crawler to the Retention Queue

The functionality of the retention crawler has been changed. Now, as soon as a document is crawled, it is moved into the retention queue with the configured retention labels. In addition, an action on the role center in the retention label group can be used to open a retention crawler list. In this list, documents can be crawled too and can be immediately inserted into the retention queue.

Feature Upgrade

New SharePoint as standard value in setup wizard

The Document Central Repository Setup Wizard will automatically selects new SharePoint SIte Creation as default value.

Feature Upgrade

Stack sorting for Queue Creation Date

The retention queue now has an ascending filter on the queue creation date field

Feature Upgrade

Batch for "Not Licensed"

A new Cue has been added to the Document Central Role center that shows the Report Queue Entries with the status "Not Licensed" .

Feature Upgrade

Creation of a SharePoint Site from the Repository Card

The creation of SharePoint site is now possible from the Document Central - Repository card within an own wizard. This feature only works in SaaS environments.

Feature Upgrade

Sharepoint User field in Document Central Users

A new field called SharePoint member in the Document Central - User List will now be shown, when SharePoint Repository is selected as active repository. This field will be used to show if the user(s) is/are a member of the active SharePoint repository.

Bug Fix

Printing as non activated user

An Error occured when a Business Central user tried to print a report when the User has the Document Central User Permissions set assigned too but is not licensed to Document Central because of insufficent permissions.

This error is now fixed.

Bug Fix

PDF Document Conversion

An error occurred during the PDF conversion in the Document Central because the permissions were not sufficient and the dataset was not found, which meant that uploading documents was not possible when the PDF conversion was activated.

This error is now fixed, the upload of documents is now possible when the PDF conversion is activated.

Bug Fix

Published checkmark for database and published

When using ABS or database as the active repository, an error occurred that resulted in the document that should be displayed via an additional search or a relation not being displayed in the configured document library.

This error is now fixed and all documents found via an additional search or a relation are now displayed correctly when using an ABS or database repository.

This bug was only fixed in the Version BC210 and above.

Bug Fix

Database repository Content Type Selection does not work

An Error Occured in Document Central when using a Database Repository that caused documents that were archived in the repository to have no content type assigned.

This Error was now fixed the documents that are archived in an Database repository will have the selected content type assigned.

Bug Fix

Special characters in the metadata

It was possible to write an enter in a metadata field in SharePoint with some workarounds. If this happened, the DataGrid could not be opened anymore.
Now this has been fixed and enter is filtered out of the metadata and replaced with a space.

Bug Fix

Remove File Extension - ABS

The Remove File Extension option is now removed for ABS and Database.

Bug Fix

Reminders not accesible for Users

An improvement has been made so that users are able to access the "Document Central Personal Reminders", "Document Central All Open Reminders" and "Document Central Presonal Open Reminders" as Admin, User or Limited User of Document Central via the search. They are also displayed as cue on the Document Central Admin as well as the Document Central User-Role Center.

Bug Fix

Metadata Management wrong Metadata Template Value

A bug has been fixed that had the problem that if you created an entry in the metadata management page with only a metadata name and then switched on the selection for metadata templates, that when you now add records to the metadata templates and create a new entry with the same metadata name and this time a document library code, that when the metadata templates are then also switched on, these are overwritten from the first record to the second (newer) one.

Bug Fix

Issue with "Use document relation" in the additonal search setup

There was an issue related to document display when the "use document relation" checkbox is activated.
This issue has been resolved, and now, when the "use document relation" checkbox is checked, the system correctly displays the documents from the previous record, even if there are no archived documents in the current posted record.

Bug Fix

Expired Retention Labels should be deletable in SharePoint

A fix has been completed, where it is now possible to delete expired retention label while using a SharePoint Repository as your active one, with documents that had been upload onto it.

Bug Fix

Moving document does not copy the versions

Fixed issue with document movement in Document Central - previously, when a document with multiple versions was moved using the datagrid or document entry, only the main file was moved and the versions were not included. This has now been resolved and all versions of the document will be moved along with the main file.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Factbox Integration to Interaction Lot/Serial No. information

The Document Central factbox has been integrated into to the "Serial No. Information"-List and Card.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue stops after 1 Error document

The Retention Queue Job Queue now ignores entries with the status "Error". To avoid unchangable "Error" entries in the Retention Queue, a reset action on the Retention Queue page is added.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Labels Captions and Tooltips Revision

A simple update for captions and tooltips was made that are used within the retention label feature.

Feature Upgrade

Upload restructure

It was ensured that documents with a size of 200MB can now be stored.

Bug Fix

Partial Records in Report produces JIT-Error

There was a problem with the double print that certain fields were not loaded from the database because of the JIT loading. This caused an error when fields were specified in the Document Central metadata but were not loaded because of the JIT load.

Bug Fix

Moving document does not copy the versions

Fixed issue with document movement in Document Central - previously, when a document with multiple versions was moved using the datagrid or document entry, only the main file was moved and the versions were not included. This has now been resolved and all versions of the document will be moved along with the main file.

Bug Fix

Finishing the Migration Wizard without any result (DB)

Fixed a minor bug that made it impossible to switch from your already active DB repository to an SP or ABS repository.

Bug Fix

Multiple pages while using cancel with Multi Drop and Multi Selection

There was an issue with the MultiDrop and MultiSelection while using the Document Central - Dropzone Factbox. When using one of the functions or both together, the Document Definition page will now close immediately after pressing cancel when it is confirmed to use the same content type and metadata.

Bug Fix

Retention Label only set when visibility is on

If the visibility for retention labels is not active when uploading documents, but they are configured, these documents have not received a retention label. Now the retention labels are set correctly.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

ABS Retention Label creation wizard

Added an error message for if a retention label is tried to be created that has less than 3 characters. Tooltips on this Page has been updated.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Crawler List Page for "to crawl documents"

A list page was created that shows all document entries that are processed by the retention crawler.

Feature Upgrade

Stacks for Retention Crawler in Admin RC

Stacks were created for open crawler entries and for failed crawler entries. These are aviable in the Document Central Admin Rolecenter.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Crawler History

A history of failed crawler runs has been created.

Feature Upgrade

Move Sharepoint client ID and secret to module setup

The app registration information for SharePoint repository with SharePoint Online modern as authentication, is now moved to the Document Central - Module Setup. The changes was made to unify the functionality between Azure Blob Storage and SharePoint.

Feature Upgrade

Block special character in Document Library Code

The Document Central document library code will now throws an error if the code is less than 3 characters or having a special character. German alphabets (ä,ö,ü,ß) are also blocked to avoid errors for external repository.

Feature Upgrade

Stacks for Retention Queue in Admin RC

Three new cues and an action has been added to the Admin Role Center. The new cues are showing the status of the retention queue entries, Labeled Entries, Error Entries, and Unlabeled entries. The new action will open the retention queue page.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue History

It is now possible to view what error occured in the retention queue labeling procces in the Document Central error log. To open a filtered view of the log, a new action named "View Log" on the retention queue page can be used.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue Status Field

A field named Labeling Status is added to the retention queue. This field displays the status of the retention queue entry, The following 4 states are displayed in the field, "Waiting for Label", "Ready for Label", "Labeled" and "Error".

Feature Upgrade

ABS Test cases/Unit Tests

Test cases and unit tests for Azure Blob Storage have been created and are available

Bug Fix

Error Message after Finishing the Migration Wizard

The problem with an errror-message, which was occurring after finishing the migration wizard, was fixed and isn't showing up anymore.

Bug Fix

Retention Label caption change of the field "End of Retention Time"

The caption of the field "EndOfRetention" had been changed from "End of Retention Time" to "End of Retention Period".

Bug Fix

Retention Label change tooltip for the field "Set Retention After"

The tooltips of the fields "Retention Label Duration" and "Set Retention After" have been provided with examples of their available selections.

Bug Fix

Crawler does not set the retention Label

The crawler function of the retention label had not set the label correctly. This is now fixed and the labels are set correctly by the crawler.

Bug Fix

Error message when diving to the reminders in the role center

An error occurred when trying to open the Reminder. This has been fixed now.

Bug Fix

Email template HTML editor issue

It was noticed that it was no longer possible to customize an HTML file in Document Central. This has been fixed now.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

ABS Retention Label creation wizard

Added an error message for if a retention label is tried to be created that has less than 3 characters. Tooltips on this Page has been updated.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Crawler List Page for "to crawl documents"

A list page was created that shows all document entries that are processed by the retention crawler.

Feature Upgrade

Stacks for Retention Crawler in Admin RC

Stacks were created for open crawler entries and for failed crawler entries. These are aviable in the Document Central Admin Rolecenter.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Crawler History

A history of failed crawler runs has been created.

Feature Upgrade

Move Sharepoint client id and secret to module setup

The app registration information for SharePoint repository with SharePoint Online modern as authentication, is now moved to the Document Central - Module Setup. The changes was made to unify the functionality between Azure Blob Storage and SharePoint.

Feature Upgrade

Block special character in Document Library Code

The Document Central document library code will now throws an error if the code is less than 3 characters or having a special character. German alphabets (ä,ö,ü,ß) are also blocked to avoid errors for external repository.

Feature Upgrade

Stacks for Retention Queue in Admin RC

Three new cues and an action has been added to the Admin Role Center. The new cues are showing the status of the retention queue entries, Labeled Entries, Error Entries, and Unlabeled entries. The new action will open the retention queue page.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue History

It is now possible to view what error occured in the retention queue labeling procces in the Document Central error log. To open a filtered view of the log, a new action named "View Log" on the retention queue page can be used.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue Status Field

A field named Labeling Status is added to the retention queue. This field displays the status of the retention queue entry, The following 4 states are displayed in the field, "Waiting for Label", "Ready for Label", "Labeled" and "Error".

Feature Upgrade

ABS Test cases/Unit Tests

Test cases and unit tests for Azure Blob Storage have been created and are available

Bug Fix

Error Message after Finishing the Migration Wizard

The problem with an errror-message, which was occurring after finishing the migration wizard, was fixed and isn't showing up anymore.

Bug Fix

Retention Label caption change of the field "End of Retention Time"

The caption of the field "EndOfRetention" had been changed from "End of Retention Time" to "End of Retention Period".

Bug Fix

Retention Label change tooltip for the field "Set Retention After"

The tooltips of the fields "Retention Label Duration" and "Set Retention After" have been provided with examples of their available selections.

Bug Fix

Crawler does not set the retention Label

The crawler function of the retention label had not set the label correctly. This is now fixed and the labels are set correctly by the crawler.

Bug Fix

Error message when diving to the reminders in the role center

An error occurred when trying to open the Reminder. This has been fixed now.

Bug Fix

Email template HTML editor issue

It was noticed that it was no longer possible to customize an HTML file in Document Central. This has been fixed now.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

ABS Retention Label creation wizard

Added an error message for if a retention label is tried to be created that has less than 3 characters. Tooltips on this Page has been updated.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Crawler List Page for "to crawl documents"

A list page was created that shows all document entries that are processed by the retention crawler.

Feature Upgrade

Stacks for Retention Crawler in Admin RC

Stacks were created for open crawler entries and for failed crawler entries. These are aviable in the Document Central Admin Rolecenter.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Crawler History

A history of failed crawler runs has been created.

Feature Upgrade

Move Sharepoint client id and secret to module setup

The app registration information for SharePoint repository with SharePoint Online modern as authentication, is now moved to the Document Central - Module Setup. The changes was made to unify the functionality between Azure Blob Storage and SharePoint.

Feature Upgrade

Block special character in Document Library Code

The Document Central document library code will now throws an error if the code is less than 3 characters or having a special character. German alphabets (ä,ö,ü,ß) are also blocked to avoid errors for external repository.

Feature Upgrade

Stacks for Retention Queue in Admin RC

Three new cues and an action has been added to the Admin Role Center. The new cues are showing the status of the retention queue entries, Labeled Entries, Error Entries, and Unlabeled entries. The new action will open the retention queue page.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue History

It is now possible to view what error occured in the retention queue labeling procces in the Document Central error log. To open a filtered view of the log, a new action named "View Log" on the retention queue page can be used.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Queue Status Field

A field named Labeling Status is added to the retention queue. This field displays the status of the retention queue entry, The following 4 states are displayed in the field, "Waiting for Label", "Ready for Label", "Labeled" and "Error".

Feature Upgrade

ABS Test cases/Unit Tests

Test cases and unit tests for Azure Blob Storage have been created and are available

Bug Fix

Error Message after Finishing the Migration Wizard

The problem with an errror-message, which was occurring after finishing the migration wizard, was fixed and isn't showing up anymore.

Bug Fix

Retention Label caption change of the field "End of Retention Time"

The caption of the field "EndOfRetention" had been changed from "End of Retention Time" to "End of Retention Period".

Bug Fix

Retention Label change tooltip for the field "Set Retention After"

The tooltips of the fields "Retention Label Duration" and "Set Retention After" have been provided with examples of their available selections.

Bug Fix

Crawler does not set the retention Label

The crawler function of the retention label had not set the label correctly. This is now fixed and the labels are set correctly by the crawler.

Bug Fix

Error message when diving to the reminders in the role center

An error occurred when trying to open the Reminder. This has been fixed now.

Bug Fix

Email template HTML editor issue

It was noticed that it was no longer possible to customize an HTML file in Document Central. This has been fixed now.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Access Tier Controlling on document library and content type level

Its now possible to configure the Access Tier for Azure Blob Storage.

Feature Upgrade

Azure Blob Storage synchronize function between document entries and ABS

The synchronization function for Document Central with the repository type Azure Blob Storage is now available. It is now possible to synchronize the Document Central entries with the Azure Blob Storage.

Feature Upgrade

Set Storage Account immutability upon storage account creation

The storage account created via the storage account wizard in Document Central will have the immutability and versioning settings turned on automatically. These settings cannot be turned off, as Document Central require these settings to be fully functional with Document Central features.

Feature Upgrade

Crawler for ABS Retention

A Crawler has been added for the Azure Blob Storage Retention, leading to entries being given a retention time in retrospective in case the Retention has been activated.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Versioning Handling

It is possible to upload a version for a document that has an active retention label. For re-uploading, the file must be renamed within Document Central.

Feature Upgrade

Change "View/Edit Metadata" functionality to view documents with label

The "View/Edit Metadata" function has been adapted so that the metadata of documents for which retentionlabel is active can no longer be edited but only viewed.

Feature Upgrade

Creating new interface possibilities

In order to make Document Central more friendly to extend via code multiple Events where added to Document Central so that it is possible to make Document Central more fitted for the indivdual needs of the Users.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central – Display the start and end time of a retention label

In the document upload you will find a field with start date and end date. This field is filled when you select a retention label. Under start date, you can then select when your document will be labeled. The end date is calculated on entry and cannot be changed.

Feature Upgrade

Link to the compliance center

You will now see a new "Create Retention Label" action on the Sharepoint Retention Label page. This action will take you to the Compliance Center where you can create a new Retention Label.

Feature Upgrade

Retention Label Drop Down Show Retention Period

A Field in the selection of the retention label has been added which shows the retention period.

Feature Upgrade

Extend Document Search With Retention Label

The document search has been extended with the retention labels. This allows filtering for them as soon as they are active.

Feature Upgrade

Set Retentionlabel with action

Previously, retention labels could only be set after dropping documents onto the dropzone factbox, within the document definition. With the addition of the action "Set Retention Label" in the datagrid, it is now possible to subsequently select a retention label for document entries in the "Datagrid (As Add-In or Page)", "Document Entry" and "Document Search" without a retention label.

Feature Upgrade

Optimization of messages for documents that are labeled

Deleting, editing metadata, and moving documents with retention labels is intercepted and a message is displayed.

Feature Upgrade

Symbolize if a document has a retention label

In the datagrid you will now find a new field that displays the name of the document retention label. This field is only visible for Sharepoint and ABS.

Example of a retention label within the datagrid: 🔒 Label 1

Feature Upgrade

Add Migration function for Sharepoint to ABS

A new Job Queue called Document Central - Migration will be responsible for the migration of data from Sharepoint repository to the Azure Blob Storage repository.

Feature Upgrade

Grouping of Additional Information of Retention when Dropping

The additional information showing the retention label settings is now grouped in the document definition page.

Feature Upgrade

**ABS - Configuration of Revision Safety on Document level **

The retention labels from sharepoint can now be used for the repository type Azure Blob Storage. To create a retention label, an active ABS repository need to be used for Creating the labels. To set up a retention label the action on the new repository definition page can be used.

Feature Upgrade

Azure Blob Storage - Metadata customization

Its now Possible to change your Metadata for Documents which are dropped in Azure Blob Storage.

Bug Fix

Hiding the "Move" action in the versioning area in the datagrid

The Action "Move" inside of the datagrid, which already only had a functionallity for documents, was made not visible for document versions.

Bug Fix

Uploading big files

When attempting to upload large files via Document Central, a performance problem was encountered. It took several seconds until the desired content type of the uploaded file was changed in the content type selection.

This performance problem has now been fixed.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Error message when diving to the reminders in the role center

An error occurred when trying to open the Reminder. This has been fixed now.

Bug Fix

Email template HTML editor issue

It was noticed that it was no longer possible to customize an HTML file in Document Central. This has been fixed now.

Release Version

Bug Fix

Document Entry missing filter on actions

The Move action in the Document Central Document Entry will not move all the documents in the entries. It is now correctly filtered based on the selected record.

Bug Fix

Error message when moving documents from the datagrid

An error message upon moving a document which is not relevant to the context is now removed.

Bug Fix

Wrong document name in the Archive Queue Entrys

Previously, the name of the "Report Layout Code" was displayed in the "Document Name" field on the "Archive Queue Entry" page. With the update, the field "Document Name" now shows the correct name, i.e. the document name.

Bug Fix

Edit Metadata in Datagrid

Previously, it was possible to use the action "View/Edit Metadata" within the datagrid for the main entry and for the versions of a entry, whereas it only had a function for the main entry. With the renewal, this action was removed particularly for the versions area.

Bug Fix

Archive queue - Metadata & Download functionalities in archived status

The actions "Download Document", "View Metadata" and "Export Metadata" were provided for the entries in the "Archived Queue Entry", regardless of the status, whether "Queued" or "Archived". With the renewal of the code, these actions were made unavailable for documents with the status "Archived".

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Guided Experience repository Setup

A Step in the Guided Experience has been adden in which you Configure and Activate a Repository.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Welcome banner for the admin

As an administrator, you will now find a Welcome Banner in the Document Central Admin Rolecenter. If you do not see the banner, you can search for "Show the checklist". This will make it visible.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Guided Experience Checklist Lizenz Wizard

The action for the "Licensing Wizard" is now integrated in the Checklist on the role center.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Guided Experience Tour in Module Setup Page

In the checklist you will find an item called Document Central Moule Setup. There you have the possibility to start a tour showing you the most important settings in the module setup.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Show Checklist after Welcome Banner

After the welcome banner is displayed, you will see a checklist. This checklist will help you better understand the Document Central and guide you through the most important features to get started. However, this checklist only applies to the Document Central Admin Rolecenter.

Feature Upgrade

**Document Central - Product Specified Import Wizard in Guided Experience Checklist **

The action for the "Import Wizard" is now integrated in the Checklist on the role center.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Documentation in Guided Experience

The last item on the checklist is the Document Central documentation. There you will be redirected to our Sim Docs page where you will find our documentation, release notes and more.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Published check mark for config still set after repository code change

when changing the repository, the status is now reset.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Dynamic Metadata information from lines

A new feature has been added that enables users to select specific metadata information using dynamic mapping. This functionality is intended to support use cases in which users wish to establish an additional search based on particular metadata values. For instance, a user can now place a document on the Posted Sales Invoice and choose a metadata value that only displays item numbers contained in that specific invoice.

This implementation guarantees that the retrieved values are not duplicated, and that empty values are not added.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - New Wizard for the creation and configuration of a repository

In the repository setup, the action 'New' provides a wizard to help you create a new repository.

Bug Fix

Document Central - function for multiselected documents in the document entry page do not update

Document Entries page does not refresh automatically on remove action and move action. It is now fixed, and the page will automatically refreshed after the action is triggered.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Version comment maximum length

When trying to file a version with a comment longer than 230 characters, an unexpected error message was issued. The version comment field is now limited to 230 characters and no longer results in an error message.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Metadata count in entry on versions

The Metadata Count field in the Document Central Document Entry on additional versions inserted all metadata in Document Central into the next document version. It is now fixed and only the related metadata will be inserted.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Error when adding a fixed metadata value

A bug was fixed where an error occurred after editing the field "Silent drop fixed value" in the metadata templates. Now the field can be changed without an error.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Permission for Publishing

It was possible to press the "Publish to Repository" button, available in the module setup, content type list and content type with any permission. Now it is changed so that the button can only be used with "SIM_Document Central ADMIN" rights.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Only Basic should be available for Windows in the Repository Setup

It is now only possible to select "modern" for Share Point Online authentication, if you switch between the types, this is automatically set to Basic.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Missing permission sets for user

The permission set for TableData SIM_Document Central File Extension is now added. It was missing before and make the Admin unable to assign this permission.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Document Library Content Type Lock on publish

An error occurred during the publishing to the repository stating that a table was locked. The reason for that was a job queue in Document Central that is responsible for renaming content types. This job queue was always running even though no content type was plannend to be renamed. This process was responsable for the table lock. The job queue was adjusted so that it is not always runnning so the error dosen't occur anymore.

Bug Fix

Document Central to EDS - Sending that runs into an error still gets sent

The EDS sending shows an error for EDS Entry but the email will still be sent when the user has Document Central to EDS connector, but in the Document Central Mapping, there is no "In query" checked. It is now fixed, and EDS will not get an error anymore if the Document Central Mapping is not correctly configured. The EDS email will be sent correctly and there will not be any file uploaded to Document Central.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Update licenses automatically in a certain period of time

Licenses are now updated automatically in a certain period of time so that the license is always up to date. Also In the permission set for the user, the indirect modify permission "SIM_CORE Pdoduct" has now been added.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Update licenses automatically in a certain period of time

Licenses are now updated automatically in a certain period of time so that the license is always up to date. Also in the permission set for the user, the indirect modify permission "SIM_CORE Product" has now been added.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Field "Created by" editable

The problem that the "Created By" field on the the Archive Queue Table is editable, is now fixed.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Key error when opening the document overview

In special cases an error was displayed, because it was not checked if all values are available in the required dictionary. This has now been fixed and is displayed with a warning in the preview. The error occurred when a user opens the Document Central Datagrid and this user is either not authenticated or has an expired authentication token.

Bug Fix

Document Central - CheckItemExist doesnt work

When uploading documents, a request is always sent to SharePoint, which checks whether the document has already been uploaded. If the threshold of over 5000 elements in the request is exceeded, the documents could not be retrieved. This has now been optimized and leads to no error anymore.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Commit in EventSubscriber while posting

There was a problem that occurred when making a test posting that ended up with an error. The expected behavior would be that the created data would be deleted by a rollback. Unfortunately, this was not the case, because the Document Central has performed a commit.
This has now been fixed and test postings can now be made.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Sales Quote Print - Standard Layout is pulled

If a different document layout was defined for a customer, an error occurred where not the configured document layout but the default document layout was used for the report. This error is now fixed and the correct layout is archived in the Document Central.

Bug Fix

Archive Queue Entries not processed in Database Repository

If the option "Processing via archive queue" is activated in the report configuration of Document Central, the archive queue entry was printed in the job queue process, if the source record did not exist at that time, the queue entry could not be printed, which is the correct action, but the status of the entry was not changed to error. This error has now been fixed, the entry is now set to error if the queue entry cannot be printed.

In addition, the caption of the field and the tooltip have been changed to make it clearer what the field does.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Renaming of lines when empty spaces are in field

Fixed an issue where inserting a line with a description containing 4 or more spaces in the general journal page would cause the system to automatically convert the text to "Document Central - Dropzone" when the user moves out of the textbox.

The fix ensures that the line retains the originally inserted description. The issue was resolved by modifying the behavior of the Document Central dropzone factbox.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Datagrid Resize Warning

When resizing columns within the data grid, a warning message was displayed and the correct size was not saved. This is now fixed.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

New document name when double print active

  • When printing a custom report (when double print active) the document name in the archive queue includes the name of the selected layout and the version number for the report

Feature Upgrade

Same Document layout when using Double Printing during Document Conversion

If the option Double print on document conversion is activated in the Document Central reporting setup and a different document layout exists for a customer, then the document layout in the repository is the same as the document layout defined for the customer.

Feature Upgrade

Add Report Layout to Archive Queue

  • A new field named "Report Layou**t **Code" shows the name of the layout when an entry is written to the Document Central archive queue.

Feature Upgrade

Product Card missing EULA Link

The Simova EULA link has been added to all product cards.

Bug Fix

Inbound list that is set to file import processes only one entry

There was a problem that only one document was processed per run of the job queue during a file import. Now all documents in the inbound list are processed.

Bug Fix

Choose company before access

There was an error that when updating Document Central a record should be edited, but this was not possible because no company was selected for the table. This has now been fixed.

Bug Fix

Document Libary Content Type ID Error

You will now recive a Message in the rollcenter if the document library was not published properly.

Bug Fix

Datagrid preview error on document switch

In the Document Central datagrid the preview showed an error for a short time when switching between different documents. This is now fixed and the preview does not display an error anymore.

Bug Fix

Inbound List updates the Metadata

When a document has been in the inbound list and the assign action was performed, the metadata in the list below was not automatically updated. This is now fixed and the metadata updates as desired.

Bug Fix

Metadata in Inbound Lists

There was an issue appearing in the inbound list that when processing the documents, wrong data from previous entries was sometimes assigned to the resulting document entry. This error is now fixed and the correct metadata is always assigned.

Release Version

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Recreate metadata in barcode entry

It is now possible to recreate the stored metadata on the barcode entries per action.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Admin rights handling

The admin checkbox is now linked to the permission sets. If a Document Central user is created by the user activation, he gets the administrator checkmark if he has the permission set SUPER or SIM_Document Central Admin. If the Admin checkmark is removed from a Document Central user, the permission set SIM_Document Central Admin is removed from this user too. Also, if the user does not have the permission set SIM_Document Central User it will be added to the user after remove the checkmark. If the checkmark is set, the user gets the permission set SIM Document Central Admin. If a user is given the SIM_Document Central Admin status in the permission sets, the Admin checkmark is applied to the Document Central user. If the SIM_Document Central Admin status is removed, the Admin checkmark is deleted.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Optimization of the additional search

A function has been added that allows to take into account the set up additional search of a destination.

Feature Upgrade

Document Central - Automatic Addition of Permission Sets

This new feature includes the automatic setting of permission sets during activating a Document Central user. As soon as a user is activated for Document Central, the permission sets 'SIM_Document Central USER' and 'SIM_CORE USER' are automatically added to the BC User.

Bug Fix

Document Central - CheckItemExist doesnt work

When uploading documents, a request is always sent to SharePoint, which checks whether the document has already been uploaded. If the threshold of over 5000 elements in the request is exceeded, the documents could not be retrieved. This has now been optimized and leads to no error anymore.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Key error when opening the document overview

In special cases an error was displayed, because it was not checked if all values are available in the required dictionary. This has now been fixed and is displayed with a warning in the preview. The error occurred when a user opens the Document Central Datagrid and this user is either not authenticated or has an expired authentication token.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Change ReportExtension trigger

The trigger of the report extensions has been changed from "OnPreReport" to "OnPostReport" so that the report is generated only when the double print is executed and not before.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Field "Created by" editable

The problem that the "Created By" field on the the Archive Queue Table is editable, is now fixed.

Bug Fix

DVS - Update licenses automatically in a certain period of time

Licenses are now updated automatically in a certain period of time so that the license is always up to date. Also in the permission set for the user, the indirect modify permission "SIM_CORE Pdoduct" has now been added.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Update licenses automatically in a certain period of time

Licenses are now updated automatically in a certain period of time so that the license is always up to date. Also In the permission set for the user, the indirect modify permission "SIM_CORE Pdoduct" has now been added.

Bug Fix

Document Central to EDS - Sending that runs into an error still gets sent

The EDS sending shows an error for EDS Entry but the email will still be sent when the user has Document Central to EDS connector, but in the Document Central Mapping, there is no "In query" checked. It is now fixed, and EDS will not get an error anymore if the Document Central Mapping is not correctly configured. The EDS email will be sent correctly and there will not be any file uploaded to Document Central.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Document Library Content Type Lock on publish

An error occurred during the publishing to the repository stating that a table was locked. The reason for that was a job queue in Document Central that is responsible for renaming content types. This job queue was always running even though no content type was plannend to be renamed. This process was responsable for the table lock. The job queue was adjusted so that it is not always runnning so the error dosen't occur anymore.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Missing permission sets for user

The permission set for TableData SIM_Document Central File Extension is now added. It was missing before and make the Admin unable to assign this permission.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Email Template Error when leaving Editor

If you added a Document Central template as a Document Central user and wanted to edit and save it, you received an error message. This has now been fixed.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Permission for Publishing

It was possible to press the "Publish to Repository" button, available in the module setup, content type list and content type with any permission. Now it is changed so that the button can only be used with "SIM_Document Central ADMIN" rights.

Bug Fix

Document Central - Metadata count in entry on versions

The Metadata Count field in the Document Central Document Entry on additional versions inserted all metadata in Document Central into the next document version. It is now fixed and only the related metadata will be inserted.