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Setting up Dispatch Profiles

Setting up Automatic Sending

The following steps need to be completed to set up an automatic sending.

  1. Open Dispatch Profiles from the Setup menu in the ribbon bar and execute Dispatch Profiles.
  2. Press New to create a new EDS dispatch profile.
  3. Enter the name you want in the Code field, then choose an Output Type and the Table for the profile.
  4. Apply the tab settings you like to use in the checkboxes beside it.
  5. Open Output Type Setup in the action bar, and enter the right settings for the respective output type.
  6. If the line is shown with the color Red, we could use the action Check Configuration to look at what needs to be filled to make the profile work.
  7. For the Automatic Sending you need to turn on Send when Converting/Posting.
  8. When the user post an order from the respective Table, EDS will automaticaly send the data based on the chosen Output Type.

Enable attachment selection on automatic sending

The following steps need to be completed to enable attachment selection for automatic sending:

  1. Open Dispatch Profiles from the Setup menu in the ribbon bar and execute Dispatch Profiles.
  2. Select the Dispatch Profile where automatic sending is enabled.
  3. Activate the Enable Attachment Selection for Automatic Sending checkbox


  • A query will now be displayed when automatic sending is triggered. When confirming the query, where it is possible to select the attachments that should be sent.
  • If the attachment selection is closed, the EDS entry will not be created.

Enable Email Dialog for automatic sending

The following steps need to be completed to enable the email dialog for automatic sending:

  1. Open Dispatch Profiles from the Setup menu on the ribbon bar and select Dispatch Profiles.
  2. Select the Dispatch Profile where automatic sending is enabled and the output type is Email.
  3. Open Output Type Setup in the action bar, and enter the right settings for the respective output type.
  4. Activate the Enable Email Dialog on Automatic Sending checkbox


A query will now be displayed when automatic sending is triggered. When confirming the query, the email dialog will be shown where it is possible to edit the email before sending.

Enable Multimail for Batch Posting

The following steps need to be completed to enable Multimail for batch posting:

  1. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action General.
  2. Activate the Use Multimail Preview checkbox.
  3. Activate the Enable Multimail Preview for Batch Post checkbox.


  • A query will now be displayed when batch posting is triggered. When confirming the query, the Multimail Preview will be shown, where it is possible to edit the email recipients and choose which documents should be sent.
  • If the Merge Multimail Emails function is enabled, all EDS entries with matching recipients and dispatch profiles will merge into a single email sent when the job queue executes. If "Merge Multimail Emails" is not enabled, each email will be sent separately.
  • If the Multimail Preview is confirmed, the EDS entries will have the status open/unconfirmed (based on the configuration) and will be processed by the job queue. If the Multimail Preview is closed, the EDS entry will be set to canceled.

Steps for Email Output Type

The following steps are required to activate Automatic Sending on Email output type. 1. Choose Email as output type. 2. Click on Output Type Setup in the ribbon bar. 3. Select an email account on the field Email Account Name. (This account can be configured on the Email Accounts page. If no account is selected, the default account will be used.) 4. Select an email template type on the Email Template Type field.

Setting up Document Dispatch Template

  1. Configure a template with the help of Setting up Email Templates.
  2. Select a template on the field Default Email Template.
  3. Click on the action Email Placeholders in the ribbon bar to configure the placeholders for the template.
  4. Click on the field Email Signature to activate a signature.
  5. Click on the action Email Signature Placeholders and Email Signature Assignment to configure the signature.

Setting up Business Central Standard Template

  1. Select the report you want to use as the email body at the field Report.
  2. Select the EDS template in the Subject Code field from which to use the subject.
  3. Click on the action Email Placeholders in the ribbon bar to configure the placeholders for the template.

Setting up The sending of multiple documents at once

Setting up Multimail Template

  1. Configure a template with the help of Setting up Multimail Templates.
  2. Select a template on the field Multimail Template Code.


It is not possible to define placeholders for the multimail template.

Activating the merge for Multimail

The following steps need to be completed to activate the merge of mails.

  1. Select the Dispatch Profile with the output type Mail where you want to configure the merge.
  2. Execute the Output Type Setup action in the ribbon bar.
  3. Activate the Merge Multimail Emails checkbox.


The merge of emails is now activated and can be used. Now all emails created by the Multimail that have the same "to" email address and the same Dispatch Profile will be merged into one email with all found attachments. If the merge of emails is not activated, each mail will be sent separately and the default email template will be used.

Extra Steps for Selection Output Type

The following steps are required to active Automatic Sending on Selection output type.

  1. Choose Selection as output type.
  2. Use the Output Type Setup action.
  3. There will be Output Type Selection that could be turn on and off.
  4. Turn on the chosen output type.
  5. The Settings for the respective output type will be shown in the same page below the Output Type Selection.
  6. Enter the required configurations.
  7. Set the Default for Automatic Sending to the chosen Output Type for automatic sending.
  8. Close the page configuration page, and make sure that the option Send when Converting/Posting is turned on.
  9. EDS will automatically use the output type from the Default for Automatic Sending field when posting from a table.

Setting up a delayed Dispatch time

One of the following 2 processes is required if you want to set up dispatch time.

  1. We start in the Document Dispatch - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action Module Setup.
  3. Navigate to the FactBox Setup.
  4. Activate the checkbox Send Delayed.
  5. All EDS entries created via the factbox will now be send delayed and processed with the EDS job queue.

The other option is to enable automatic sending for the dispatch profile.

  1. We start in the Document Dispatch - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action General Datasets.
  3. Click on the dispatch profile that should be configured with the dispatch time.
  4. Activate the checkbox Enable Automatic Sending.
  5. When the user post an order from the respective Table, EDS will automaticaly send the data based on the chosen Output Type.

The following steps need to be completed to activate the dispatch time.

  1. We start in the Document Dispatch - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action General Datasets.
  3. Click on the dispatch profile that should be configured with the dispatch time.
  4. Execute the action Output Type Setup in the ribbon bar.
  5. Enter the desired dispatch time in the field Delayed Dispatch Time.
  6. Every Delayed EDS entry that originates from the dispatch profile will now be only processed via the job queue after the configured time is passed.


if no time is specified, the delayed entries will be processed as soon as the job queue is processed.

Create a copy of an Dispatch Profile

The following steps need to be completed to create a copy of an dispatch profile.

  1. We start in the Document Dispatch - Administrator role.
  2. Click on Setup in the ribbon bar and execute the action General Datasets.
  3. Select the Dispatch profile that you want to copy.
  4. Click on Dispatch Profile in the ribbon bar and execute the action Duplicate.

Define if found Extended Recipents are merged

  1. Start in Document Dispatch - Administrator role.
  2. Navigat to EDS - Dispatch Profiles in the search field.
  3. Select a Dispatch Profile you want want to edit an which is from the Output Type Mail.
  4. Use the action Output Type Setup in the action bar.
  5. Enable or disable the field Combine Business Partner. This field specifies whether a single combined email or separate emails should be sent in the event of multiple detected recipient email addresses. This will only be used in case the feature of the extended recipent data table is used. If this feature is activated and more than one line for the same dispatch profile and the type email address is found the result will be merged (no document merge) and sent in a single email. Otherwise each recipient can be selected seperatly.