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Setting up Metadata

Metadata represent the attributes of documents and are assigned to content types. Metadata must be created before content types. Document Central supports various types of metadata, including Text, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Number, and GUID. The type defines the input options for the metadata values.

Create and publish metadata

Metadata need to be defined for all repository types and are used to store relevant properties about a document in the repository. When creating metadata for SharePoint, it is necessary to publish the metadata. For Azure Blob Storage or Database, publishing is not required, and the publish action will not be visible.

To create and publish metadata, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role center.
  2. Click on Repository in the ribbon bar and execute the action Metadata.
  3. Specify the name of the metadata by entering a meaningful name in the Display Name field.
  4. Select the Type of the metadata.
  5. Execute the action Publish to Repository in the ribbon bar.
  6. The metadata is transferred to the repository.
  7. The metadata is marked as Published when it has been transferred successfully.


Please ensure that the correct type of metadata is selected. Note that publishing the metadata is not required for Azure Blob Storage and Database repository types.

Reset publish state

The publishing status indicates whether metadata has already been published to the repository. Publishing metadata is only necessary for the SharePoint repository. In Document Central, the Published status can be reset, allowing the metadata to be published again. If the metadata already exists in the repository, it will be skipped.

To reset the publish state for a metadata, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role center.
  2. Click on Repository in the ribbon bar and execute the action Metadata.
  3. Mark the metadata that should be resetet.
  4. Execute the action Reset Status in the ribbon bar.
  5. The Published checkbox will be resetet.


The metadata in the repository is not deleted when the status is reset. The clean-up needs to be done manually in SharePoint if a SharePoint repository is used.

Update metadata from repository

If the SharePoint repository is used and metadata has already been created there, it can be loaded into Document Central. This may be necessary, for example, if you want to load an existing structure from SharePoint.

To sync the existing metadata from repository, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate through the DMS by Simova - Administrator role center.
  2. Click on Repository in the ribbon bar and execute the action Metadata.
  3. Execute the action Update Repository in the ribbon bar.
  4. The metadata is automatically loaded from the repository and added to the metadata list.


Only metadata added to a category DMS in the SharePoint columns will be loaded.